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More nursing home residents die of COVID-19 than ever before

Published 21 September 2022

COVID seems to be on the way out, but is still cutting a swathe through the Australian nursing home population.

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Do you downsize and solve the housing crisis, or do you sell?

Published 19 September 2022

The assets test exemption and income test relief for pensioners selling their home with the intention to buy a home elsewhere are welcome but what's the housing crisis got to do with it? Nothing, as it turns out.

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Would Methuselah be able to get travel insurance?

Published 16 September 2022

Retirement is the time when you can travel to all those faraway places you always wanted to see. Many retirees get a nasty surprise when they start looking for travel insurance. How expensive is old in travel insurance?

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Is ageing-in-place the real life or is it just a fantasy if you rent?

Published 14 September 2022

Thunderbolts and lightning, very, very frightening! One-third of older renters don't think they can stay in their own place as they age further, and it's not just the cost, a new Anglicare Australia report finds!

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Should you be grateful for pension indexation?

Published 12 September 2022

Are media releases in which the government of the day implies a forthcoming pension indexation event in March or September is munificence bestowed on pensioners by the government of the day appropriate? Do pensioners need to be thankful, doff their cap and tug their forelock? [more]

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Reduce long-term unemployment now!

Published 9 September 2022

Something is clearly not working when employers are crying out for workers but 760,000 people are locked out of the paid workforce.

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Can nursing homes evict residents?

Published 7 September 2022

Nursing homes are supposed be sanctuaries for the frail elderly, secure places where care giving is the absolute priority. They're also real estate businesses from which accommodation is rented.

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Superannuation: what’s better, choice or no choice?

Published 2 September 2022

For superannuation to work someone other than the funds must take an interest. That task has fallen to the prudential regulator APRA. After two years, the no-choice funds sector has been knocked into shape. Now for the choice sector. [more]

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Australian housing moves into 21st century, except for NSW, WA

Published 31 August 2022

Whether you're young, old or in-between, having a mobility impairment makes life hard in a world designed for the fleet-of-foot. August 27 will be forever a red-letter day in disability campaigning: from next year on houses must be built according to accessibility standards. [more]

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Is your money really safe?

Published 29 August 2022

Are the banks of Australia as safe as the proverbial Bank of England? There is a government guarantee, but what if the Government itself is getting worried about the guarantee it has given?

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Why not sell your house and become a renter?

Published 26 August 2022

So much of your money is wrapped up in your house, why not sell it and be rich! Questions is, where would you go? There are two answers to that question, but one is better than the other.

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Will the new aged care funding instrument rock?

Published 24 August 2022

The law governing aged care is changing, mandatory care hours will increase significantly and a new funding system will start soon. But will aged care providers be able to game the new funding system like they used to game the old one? Will care hours actually go up as much as the Government wants? An aged care staff survey. [more]

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New Zealanders all get a full pension, why don’t we?

Published 22 August 2022

Getting a full pension regardless of other income and assets you might have? Sounds good? Be careful what you wish for, though.

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Having a Stroke? Think F.A.S.T

Published 19 August 2022

In NSW 19,000 people have a stroke each year. How can you give yourself the best shot at recovering and what support is out there for you?

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Are you part of the shadow economy and don’t know it?

Published 15 August 2022

If you think the shadow economy is exclusively for dodgy businesses, professional fraudsters, drug dealers and money launderers, think again. Anyone-any-age could be participating in it, knowingly or unknowingly.

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Does your phone voip?

Published 12 August 2022

Know someone who is struggling in the digital world who is wedded to their traditional landline home phone? Here's some information that can help you help them.

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Will social housing supply ever catch up?

Published 12 August 2022

JUST one rent increase. One lost shift. One emergency. That's how close many Australians in the private rental market are to homelessness.

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Power bill busting schemes that matter

Published 8 August 2022

Various state and territory governments have introduced energy saving schemes that have the potential to really reduce your power bill. A round-up.

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Whither the pension once inflation goes down?

Published 5 August 2022

Pension indexation never increases your purchasing power except when inflation goes down. Here's how it works.

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Age Pension goes up by 4%

Published 3 August 2022

The cost-of-living index increase was published today. It came out below the CPI increase, which will therefore be used in pension indexation next month.

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