THE VOICE Articles and Media Releases - Page 14

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New Zealanders all get a full pension, why don’t we?

Published 22 August 2022

Getting a full pension regardless of other income and assets you might have? Sounds good? Be careful what you wish for, though.

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Having a Stroke? Think F.A.S.T

Published 19 August 2022

In NSW 19,000 people have a stroke each year. How can you give yourself the best shot at recovering and what support is out there for you?

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Are you part of the shadow economy and don’t know it?

Published 15 August 2022

If you think the shadow economy is exclusively for dodgy businesses, professional fraudsters, drug dealers and money launderers, think again. Anyone-any-age could be participating in it, knowingly or unknowingly.

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Does your phone voip?

Published 12 August 2022

Know someone who is struggling in the digital world who is wedded to their traditional landline home phone? Here's some information that can help you help them.

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Will social housing supply ever catch up?

Published 12 August 2022

JUST one rent increase. One lost shift. One emergency. That's how close many Australians in the private rental market are to homelessness.

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Power bill busting schemes that matter

Published 8 August 2022

Various state and territory governments have introduced energy saving schemes that have the potential to really reduce your power bill. A round-up.

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Whither the pension once inflation goes down?

Published 5 August 2022

Pension indexation never increases your purchasing power except when inflation goes down. Here's how it works.

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Age Pension goes up by 4%

Published 3 August 2022

The cost-of-living index increase was published today. It came out below the CPI increase, which will therefore be used in pension indexation next month.

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Term deposits: what’s the cash rate when it’s at home and how does it work?

Published 3 August 2022

There's nothing mandatory about the cash rate. Banks can set their own rates. Nobody, including the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, is going to stop them. Fact is, the banks pay close attention to the cash rate. [more]

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Call to action: write your own end-of-life care plan and do it now

Published 1 August 2022

An end-of-life care plan can make things so much easier for yourself, your family and your friends when the time comes. Only one-in-four people have such a plan. Don't be in that number!

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More Nurses 24/7 in aged care? You wish!

Published 29 July 2022

Mandatory means 'must do'. No excuses. Not in aged care, where around-the-clock nursing care will become mandatory from 1 July 2023 unless a nursing home has an ... Chances are every nursing home that wants one, will get one.

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Inflation, pension indexation soar – extra cost-of-living relief for self-fundies only

Published 27 July 2022

High inflation means big pension indexation increases, but today's inflation number of 6.1 per cent doesn't mean the next indexation will produce a pension increase of the same size. And how good is it to be self-funded?

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Homeless? Renting? Stop whingeing and buy a house!

Published 27 July 2022

A homelessness crisis, a rental crisis, time for government to step in and make a difference! You would think, but the political mind is differently constructed, it seems.

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You can do better than term deposits: here’s how

Published 25 July 2022

If investment risk is what stopping you from putting your money into term deposits and term deposits only, here's some food for thought and a practical suggestion too.

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Telehealth is great and has nothing to do with Jane Fonda

Published 22 July 2022

It's called telehealth, and it's something you may not need now but may be dependent on in the future.

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Get the least worst prices on power, gas, fuel here

Published 20 July 2022

Power, gas and fuel. If you look after the pennies, the pounds will look after themselves? Maybe now is the time to look after the pounds as well, at a time when prices for these essentials have gone through the roof.

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Sleeping less and wanting to do something about it?

Published 18 July 2022

Up all hours, red-eyed and frustrated? Science hasn't got all the answers about sleeping and sleeping disorders yet, but there are a few things you can do beyond not drinking coffee just before going to bed.

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What will kill you in 2022?

Published 15 July 2022

Life expectancy continues to go up, but it can't go up forever. At some point even the oldest people die. What of?

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Out now: The Retirement Income Covenant!

Published 13 July 2022

No, it’s not a new spy thriller by Robert Ludlum, but a document telling superannuation funds to start doing what they have avoided for the thirty years that compulsory superannuation has now been around: look after their members. [more]

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Term deposits on the move: get the highest, shortest

Published 11 July 2022

Following the Reserve Bank’s July decision to raise the cash rate to 1.35 per cent, many financial institutions have increased their term deposit rates.

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