THE VOICE Articles and Media Releases - Page 16

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Will the new Labor Government raise the pension?

Published 25 May 2022

Indexation will ensure the pension's purchasing power is maintained but is there a prospect of more?

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Election 2022 makes major reform do-able

Published 23 May 2022

With The Greens holding the balance of power in the Senate, and the Labor Party forming government, real, meaningful change in the areas of health, aged care and housing is now a real possibility.

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Is the outcome of this umpteenth financial advice review going to be affordable advice?

Published 18 May 2022

Reviews of how financial advice is provided in Australia have always focused on how to get financial planners to behave better. The customer has been largely forgotten, and now only the wealthy can afford financial advice. The rest of us have to get by without. [more]

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Banks are bullying older Australians out of using cheques

Published 18 May 2022

We all know that cheques are disappearing, but for the Commonwealth Bank (and maybe others), it's just not fast enough. Enter bully tactics.

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Rebates and the problem with government websites

Published 18 May 2022

Navigating government websites can be a nightmare. How can you find the right information to get any rebates you qualify for?

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Over-65s: Where to get a free flu jab

Published 10 May 2022

Flu shots are available and everyone should get one, especially if you're older. Free if you're over 65!

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Superannuation withdrawals: relief is on the way

Published 10 May 2022

Having to withdraw money you don't need from your superannuation pension account is a bugbear for many, but if you're under 75, 1 July this year brings relief.

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Deeming rate freeze: does it really help with pensioner cost-of-living?

Published 10 May 2022

A deeming rate freeze! How good is that? Not all that good, it turns out, particularly if you're in a situation where you need it to be good for you.

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The emergency ambulance is here for you, now what?

Published 10 May 2022

Imagine that you’ve just experienced a medical emergency. You’ve managed to stop panicking long enough to call 000 and an ambulance is on its way.

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Election 2022: the fine mess parties have gotten aged care into

Published 4 May 2022

Aged care is in a fine mess but it's a deadly earnest mess and no slapstick comedy. All major parties have created the mess. They should clean it up together.

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Cost of living: How pension indexation should work and why

Published 4 May 2022

Indexation to catch up with cost-of-living increases after increases have happened is fine if you have buffer, but those living near the poverty line or way below it have no buffer.

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Getting really smart: mobile phone implant scams

Published 4 May 2022

Any new technological development is a double-edged sword. It can bring improvements but also abuses. Better phones = more scams.

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The election and the Cashless Welfare Card

Published 27 April 2022

Election campaigns are not exactly known for their slavish adherence to the truth. The Cashless Welfare Card is a case in point.

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Will your home care package collapse after worker pay rise?

Published 27 April 2022

Home care workers have had a big win in the Fair Work Commission. How will it affect you?

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Is the language of love still in the air?

Published 27 April 2022

Popular music has changed over the decades, but is the change language of songs a change for the better?

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Is your term deposit slumming it?

Published 20 April 2022

Inflation is up, the cash rate will be up and term deposit rates should be up. Some are but most aren't. Here's why.

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Opposition Leader’s response to Budget 2022: aged care and housing

Published 20 April 2022

In response to the Budget presented by the Australian Government on 29 March 2022, the Leader of the Opposition presented a suite of policy plans.

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Older and wiser: older drivers

Published 20 April 2022

Older drivers are among the safest drivers, and one of the reasons for this is that most know when to drive less or stop altogether. But what about the small minority that doesn't?

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Can pension poverty be solved by a magic pudding?

Published 13 April 2022

Independently costed plans by The Greens would eradicate poverty. There is one problem: significant reliance is being placed on a magic pudding.

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End-of-life planning by you yourself is vital to your dignity in old age

Published 13 April 2022

Thirty per cent of nursing home residents have an advance care plan completed by someone else, such as a family member or carer, rather than making choices themselves. Planning must be done earlier.

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