Centrelink call centre: real people, please, not robots
Published 24 March 2021
The way Centrelink deals with people shows enormous disrespect for these people'. Take Centrelink's Older Australians Line, which uses menus and voice recognition to the point where it drives people mad.
Older survivors of domestic violence more at risk of abuse
Published 24 March 2021
A recently published research study has found that women who survive domestic violence are more at risk of experiencing abuse in later life.
How wages matter when you’re retired
Published 17 March 2021
Retired and no longer receiving a pay packet? On the Age Pension? Then wage growth no longer matters to you, does it? Or does it?
NSW is running out of graves: review
Published 17 March 2021
NSW is running out of graves, or rather, the eastern seaboard is. It has prompted sweeping recommendations from a review of the NSW funeral industry.
Extra super tax breaks for the wealthy
Published 17 March 2021
While the fight is on about a legislated increase of compulsory super contributions, the caps on what can be voluntarily contributed by those with the dosh have been increased as legislated.
Aged Care Royal Commission finds the solutions but not the money
Published 10 March 2021
The Aged Care Royal Commission's final report offers a cure for the system's ills, but can Australia afford its prescription?
March indexation means pension and JobSeeker go up
Published 10 March 2021
After missing a beat in September last year, indexation produces pension and JobSeeker increases in March.
COVID passport to go viral?
Published 10 March 2021
A COVID passport on your smartphone? What if you don't have a smartphone? What if you have not been vaccinated? COVID passports already exist in Israel. Will they come here?
Be Connected program works well for those already connected
Published 10 March 2021
It's a blind spot in many a program getting older people to go online more: people who can't afford to buy a device.
Stopping aged care neglect can’t wait until the May Budget:
Published 3 March 2021
The Aged Care Royal Commission's final report has been released to the public. Now it's time for action. Here's what must happen.
The Government subsidy that pays employers to sack older workers
Published 3 March 2021
The JobMaker credit scheme pays employers for hiring workers under the age of 35. Getting young people back into work is important but the scheme will only make life harder for older workers in Australia's job market which has already been criticised for age discrimination long before COVID-19. [more]
Domestic gas users pay more for no good reason
Published 3 March 2021
Australians have been paying more for gas produced in their own backyards than overseas gas importers pay for Australian gas plus export charges. The Australian consumer watchdog said there is no "adequate reason" as to why this is happening. [more]
$3.57 daily Jobseeker raise slap in face of unemployed, young and old
Published 24 February 2021
After years of campaigning and despite everyone agreeing a meaningful increase to Newstart, now called Jobseeker, was needed urgently, the Australian Government has come up with a miserly increase of $50 a fortnight.
Aged Care Royal Commission: now for the real reform!
Published 24 February 2021
Friday 26 February is when the Aged Care Royal Commission finally ends, more than two years after it started. The Department of Health's responses to Counsel Assisting's recommendations to the two Commissioners seem to indicate disagreement between the Commission and the Government. [more]
End of the line for Lithgow Aged Care Ltd
Published 24 February 2021
Another nursing home is facing forced closure by the regulator, but the home is not part of a nursing home chain. It's stand-alone. 73 residents have to find something somewhere else.
Unsupportable burden: NSW property tax
Published 17 February 2021
An annual property tax proposed by the NSW Government would place an unsupportable burden on many households which now struggle to cover the cost of utilities and council rates, writes contributor Frances McMahon.
‘Dine and discover NSW vouchers’: no smartphone, no problem
Published 17 February 2021
THE 'Out and About Vouchers' that were announced in the November 2020 NSW state budget have been renamed Dine and discover NSW vouchers, and they are available in paper form, says the Minister.
A self-funded retiree responds
Published 17 February 2021
ROGER is a self-funded retiree who took exception to last week’s 'Crying poor and being poor: assistance for retirees' item. He wrote a response.
Aged care standards are substandard standards
Published 10 February 2021
New aged care standards came in just before the Royal Commission started, but the compliance results published by the Productivity Commission are curious, to say the least.
Crying poor and being poor: assistance for retirees
Published 10 February 2021
Apparently the Reserve Bank is being flooded with mail from retirees who can't see why the Governor doesn't put up the interest rates on their term deposits. Talk is of emergency measures. [more]
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