CPSA News - Page 19

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The plan to build one million affordable homes!

Published 27 October 2021

The Australian Greens have proposed the creation of a ‘Federal Housing Trust’ that will construct one million homes through three types of targeted housing.

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Could you be in a cheaper super fund?

Published 27 October 2021

Superannuation funds have been getting away with skimming the take from compulsory employer contributions for decades, but pressure is finally being applied to start protecting consumers/workers a little bit. [more]

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Primary and community healthcare standards: unnecessary red tape?

Published 20 October 2021

The federal Government claims new optional healthcare standards will make the Australian health sector even better but it's just seems these standards legitimise alternative medicine practices and clinics, which would have trouble meeting mandatory health standards fair-dinkum health practitioners are held to. [more]

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Cute passwords are dangerous: how to make them safe

Published 20 October 2021

Data breaches are becoming increasingly common. If you have a simple or cute password you may be placing yourself in harm's way. Here are some simple tips to protect your devices and yourself.

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Used cars: Safety and emissions top priority

Published 20 October 2021

The safer your car is the more likely you'll survive an accident. The cleaner your car's exhaust is, the more likely the planet will survive. With mounting international pressure for Australia to adopt a net zero emissions target by 2050, vehicle emissions may be an important factor to consider when purchasing a car. [more]

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How to prove your COVID-19 vaccination status

Published 13 October 2021

Lockdown restrictions have eased in NSW for people in NSW who have had two doses of a vaccination. Find out the different ways in which you can prove your vaccination status or your medical exemption status.

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Aged care staffing crisis is not taken seriously

Published 13 October 2021

The Australian Government's most recent incentive plan to increase nursing home staff seems to be so onerous that widespread take-up by registered nurses seems unlikely.

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Digital Divide: are you being left to your own devices?

Published 13 October 2021

It's hard to keep up with technology when it's constantly changing and becoming increasingly expensive. However, refusing to accept advances in technology may mean you get left behind quicker than you think. (lme)

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Do you really need financial advice?

Published 6 October 2021

There seems to be consensus that Australia needs better, cheaper financial planners, but do we really? Or does the problem lie elsewhere? (pve)

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Worried about massive government debt for future generations? Well, you shouldn’t be

Published 6 October 2021

The Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) found that the impact of COVID-19 remains “profound and uncertain” but that the Australian economy can outgrow its debt with interest unlikely to become a large burden on the public purse. [more]

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Ageism, it’s on for young and old: research

Published 29 September 2021

Even though the workforce is increasingly ageing, employees are being viewed as ‘older’ at a much earlier age. It's a surprising finding of recent research.

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SMSFs: mates’ rates are out!

Published 29 September 2021

If you have a self-managed super fund with member accounts in accumulation phase, watch out for the ATO's crack-down on non-arm's length SMSF income.

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How sure are you that you will never move again?

Published 29 September 2021

DO you ever catch yourself saying that you will never move again or that they will have to carry you out of your home in a box?

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NSW COVID-19 passport must include everybody

Published 22 September 2021

While older people as a group have the highest rate of full COVID-19 vaccination in the country, their rate of digital connectedness is much lower. At the reopening of New South Wales, they now risk being left out in the cold in the absence of workable vaccine passport alternatives. [more]

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What’s the underlying reason for mentioning underlying health conditions in COVID reporting?

Published 22 September 2021

When announcing COVID-19-related stats, officials are quick to mention if underlying health conditions played a part. [more]

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How higher inflation leads to bigger pension indexation increases

Published 22 September 2021

Low inflation has equated to low pension indexation increases in recent years. September 2021 is proving different, but will it last?

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Aged care in nursing homes: new website reports on the underbelly

Published 15 September 2021

Aged care workers, residents, friends and family can now record understaffing and its consequences in their nursing home on the Aged Care Watch website, challenging the secrecy in which nursing homes operate.

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Windows 11: is your computer a smooth operator?

Published 15 September 2021

Windows 11 promises enhanced security features. This is good news, but not all computers will be able to be upgraded. Those left behind older versions of Windows will most likely be targeted by hackers. Find out how to check if your computer can be upgraded. [more]

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Don’t suffer in silence paying energy bills

Published 15 September 2021

In 2021, older people haven’t received cash payments like those that were handed out last year but there is still some help on offer if you’re struggling financially.

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Is your MySuper fund a dud?

Published 8 September 2021

MySuper sounds better than default super fund, or the fund-you-get-put-into-if-you-don’t- choose-a-super-fund-yourself, but that’s what MySuper is. If you fall into the uninterested-in-my-superannuation-because-it's-boring-and-all-too-much category, a recent performance test of all MySuper funds may change that view. [more]

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