CPSA News - Page 18

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Things you need to know about your friendly local pharmacy

Published 15 December 2021

Pharmacies tend to be regarded as community-friendly shops run by health professionals with the well-being of the community as the forefront of their thinking. No doubt this is largely true, but there is a darker side to Australian pharmacies and Australian pharmacists. [more]

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The great aged-care-at-home bamboozle

Published 8 December 2021

After the Aged Care Royal Commission the Government announced it was going to eradicate the home care waiting list with 180,000 new Home Care Packages over two years. It was always an announcement with a high snake oil content.

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What superannuation has to do with slavery

Published 8 December 2021

The sole purpose of superannuation is to provide income in retirement, but the goal doesn't justify just any means. There is such a thing as responsible investing.

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How to spot a malicious smartphone app

Published 8 December 2021

Even apps from Google Play store can be malicious (while performing a useful service at the same time). Downloader beware!

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Attention pollies up for re-election: our readers support a pension review

Published 1 December 2021

Support for a pension review is gaining support among pensioners, a powerful group of voters who are finding it increasingly hard to make ends meet. Here's what some of them had to say.

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Decline of regional banking, what’s the answer?

Published 1 December 2021

A Regional Banking Taskforce has been established to assess the impact of bank branch closures on regional communities.

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Hey presto, here’s your automatic financial advice!

Published 1 December 2021

Financial advice is expensive and the people who give it to you are still conflicted working for investment platforms. Is the solution to forget about financial advisers altogether and replace them with a computer?

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Providers flood new National Aged Care Advisory Council

Published 1 December 2021

Aged care providers are once again swamping consultations, workshops and now the new National Aged Care Advisory Council, recommended by the Aged Care Royal Commission, with their representatives as if they hadn't been caught out big time by the Royal Commission and might want to pipe down a little for a while. [more]

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Is pension indexation based on wages still alive?

Published 24 November 2021

The pension gets indexed every six months, that much is certain. But how is less certain. There are three ways it can be done, two ways based on inflation and one on wages. The indexation mechanism using wages hasn't been used for over a decade. [more]

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How much will home care cost you?

Published 24 November 2021

There are two types of home care, and the way people are supposed to pay personal contributions tends to be not very clear.

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Power of attorney changes on the way

Published 24 November 2021

The latest meeting of Attorneys-General suggests that some of the current flaws of Powers of Attorney instruments may finally be addressed.

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Cashless Welfare Minister responds to CPSA

Published 17 November 2021

CPSA has persistently requested the federal Social Services Minister to clarify how she could claim the Cashless Welfare Card would not be rolled out to Age Pensioners while Age Pensioners were already on the Card. Finally, the Minister has responded. [more]

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Why one home care program works and the other home care program doesn’t

Published 17 November 2021

It makes sense to have a single home care system instead of two, but it doesn't make sense to merge the good one into the bad one. This is the Government's plan though.

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Have a glimpse at hell on earth: NSW public housing

Published 17 November 2021

A public housing tenant approached CPSA with a horrifying first hand account of what it can be like living in NSW public housing.

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Do you support a review of the pension?

Published 10 November 2021

You don't hear much in the media these days about how hard it is to survive on just the pension, but this doesn't mean it has become easy.

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If you think enduring powers of attorney are simple, you should read this

Published 10 November 2021

Powers of attorney are often mentioned as a simple device allowing families to deal with mental incapacity of mainly older family members, but when things go wrong they go really wrong.

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Have you been stapled to your super fund?

Published 10 November 2021

It sounds painful, but it's a case of no-pain-no-gain. Being stapled to a super fund if super bores you or scares you is a good thing, but it's wise to check if you're getting stapled to a decent fund.

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We need Common Sense Directed Care!

Published 3 November 2021

Consumer Directed Care is based on a beautiful theory but comes at the cost of long waiting lists and provider snouts in the admin fee trough. Applying common sense would be really refreshing. (pve)

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Super funds told to get their snouts out of the trough

Published 3 November 2021

It's great to get free tickets to the footy, but does that justify super funds sponsoring footy stadiums and clubs? APRA doesn't think so. Finally.

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Will term deposit rates going up be good for you?

Published 27 October 2021

The inflation rate over twelve months to 30 September 2021 is 3 per cent. That's down from the previous quarter but the fact remains: inflation is up and if it stays up term deposit rates will go up as well. But will inflation stay up and will term deposit rates actually outstrip inflation if inflation does stay up? Questions economists can't answer. [more]

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