THE VOICE Articles and Media Releases - Page 24

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More women join self-managed super on less money

Published 14 April 2021

Self-managed super is very popular among women on low to medium incomes, ATO data shows.

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Centrelink continues cosying up to rent-to-buy loan-sharks

Published 14 April 2021

Ruthless rent-to-buy operations rely on Centrelink to collect their debts through a mechanism set up to protect vulnerable welfare recipients, and it’s all in the name of freedom to choose.

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The right to basic nursing home information

Published 7 April 2021

During its two-and-a-bit years of existence, the Aged Care Royal Commission compiled fifty quality indicators about residential aged care. The Department of Health has managed to compile three since 1997, the year the Aged Care Act commenced. [more]

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Cheap(er) NBN connections on the way

Published 7 April 2021

Cheaper internet plans for people on low-incomes, but they’re really not that cheap and it is questionable that anyone would want them.

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Aged Care Star Ratings System needs people power

Published 31 March 2021

The US star rating system for nursing homes is being manipulated. Should Australia introduce a similar system, or should it at least build in an extra protection?

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ACCC and CPSA go after funeral homes

Published 31 March 2021

The ACCC has once again turned its sights on the Australian funeral industry, and CPSA is happy to do its bit!

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Ageism affects health, jobs and economy: WHO global report

Published 31 March 2021

It’s official: the older you get, the more age discrimination you will encounter of the kind that really hurts your health, your job.

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Aussies alarmingly complacent about exercise and heart health: new data

Published 31 March 2021

Heart Foundation research came up with some alarming findings, prompting the organisation to launch an initiative where you let your feet do the walking.

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Financial hardship and the NSW property tax

Published 24 March 2021

WHEN the NSW property tax comes in, nobody will have to pay it. You only pay it if you want to pay it. How good is that?! Too good, is the answer. Too good to be true.

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Centrelink call centre: real people, please, not robots

Published 24 March 2021

The way Centrelink deals with people shows enormous disrespect for these people'. Take Centrelink's Older Australians Line, which uses menus and voice recognition to the point where it drives people mad.

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Older survivors of domestic violence more at risk of abuse

Published 24 March 2021

A recently published research study has found that women who survive domestic violence are more at risk of experiencing abuse in later life.

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How wages matter when you’re retired

Published 17 March 2021

Retired and no longer receiving a pay packet? On the Age Pension? Then wage growth no longer matters to you, does it? Or does it?

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NSW is running out of graves: review

Published 17 March 2021

NSW is running out of graves, or rather, the eastern seaboard is. It has prompted sweeping recommendations from a review of the NSW funeral industry.

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Extra super tax breaks for the wealthy

Published 17 March 2021

While the fight is on about a legislated increase of compulsory super contributions, the caps on what can be voluntarily contributed by those with the dosh have been increased as legislated.

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Aged Care Royal Commission finds the solutions but not the money

Published 10 March 2021

The Aged Care Royal Commission's final report offers a cure for the system's ills, but can Australia afford its prescription?

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March indexation means pension and JobSeeker go up

Published 10 March 2021

After missing a beat in September last year, indexation produces pension and JobSeeker increases in March.

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COVID passport to go viral?

Published 10 March 2021

A COVID passport on your smartphone? What if you don't have a smartphone? What if you have not been vaccinated? COVID passports already exist in Israel. Will they come here?

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Be Connected program works well for those already connected

Published 10 March 2021

It's a blind spot in many a program getting older people to go online more: people who can't afford to buy a device.

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Stopping aged care neglect can’t wait until the May Budget:

Published 3 March 2021

The Aged Care Royal Commission's final report has been released to the public. Now it's time for action. Here's what must happen.

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The Government subsidy that pays employers to sack older workers

Published 3 March 2021

The JobMaker credit scheme pays employers for hiring workers under the age of 35. Getting young people back into work is important but the scheme will only make life harder for older workers in Australia's job market which has already been criticised for age discrimination long before COVID-19. [more]

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