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$3.57 daily Jobseeker raise slap in face of unemployed, young and old

Published 23 February 2021

After years of campaigning and despite everyone agreeing a meaningful increase to Newstart, now called Jobseeker, was needed urgently, the Australian Government has come up with a miserly increase of $50 a fortnight.

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Unsupportable burden: NSW property tax

Published 17 February 2021

An annual property tax proposed by the NSW Government would place an unsupportable burden on many households which now struggle to cover the cost of utilities and council rates, writes contributor Frances McMahon.

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‘Dine and discover NSW vouchers’: no smartphone, no problem

Published 17 February 2021

THE 'Out and About Vouchers' that were announced in the November 2020 NSW state budget have been renamed Dine and discover NSW vouchers, and they are available in paper form, says the Minister.

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A self-funded retiree responds

Published 17 February 2021

ROGER is a self-funded retiree who took exception to last week’s 'Crying poor and being poor: assistance for retirees' item. He wrote a response.

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Aged care standards are substandard standards

Published 10 February 2021

New aged care standards came in just before the Royal Commission started, but the compliance results published by the Productivity Commission are curious, to say the least.

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Crying poor and being poor: assistance for retirees

Published 10 February 2021

Apparently the Reserve Bank is being flooded with mail from retirees who can't see why the Governor doesn't put up the interest rates on their term deposits. Talk is of emergency measures. [more]

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NSW retirement village law shakeup

Published 10 February 2021

New rules make it easier for a retirement village resident to sell up if and when they need to move into a nursing home.

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Super could be super

Published 3 February 2021

In the debate about contributions, what's forgotten is what, and especially how, all these saved contributions are going to fund your retirement. [more]

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Are self-managed home care packages a good idea?

Published 3 February 2021

Does choosing your own care worker sound like a good idea? It might be, but be careful of the pitfalls.

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Second NSW Regional Seniors Travel Card now available

Published 3 February 2021

NSW regional seniors will be wasting no time to get this $250 freebie!

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Aged care: why medication reviews are not popular in nursing homes

Published 16 December 2020

Free to nursing homes, free to residents, but medication reviews for new residents are only conducted twenty per cent of the time.

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Does Centrelink terrorise pensioners?

Published 16 December 2020

The federal Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, let rip during Question Time recently, suggesting Robodebt was back, with a focus on age pensioners. Perhaps it's not quite that bad, but Automation of Income Streams reviews are not for the faint-hearted. [more]

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Regional NSW funeral directors thumb their noses at new regulations

Published 9 December 2020

Recently, the NSW regulator introduced new rules about what pricing information funeral directors must publish online and display in their office. The requirement is for extensive pricing information as well as the price of the cheapest funeral package they offer. [more]

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Financial outlook is bleak for many older single, childless women

Published 9 December 2020

Single older women without children face economic insecurity, University of Sydney Business School research has found.

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Power of attorney protections increased in Queensland

Published 9 December 2020

Giving power of attorney to anyone means that you deeply trust that person. Queensland and Victoria ban paid carers from having power of attorney over the person they care for.

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Choose Your Own Adventure: Retirement Income Review lacks recommendations

Published 2 December 2020

What to make of a retirement income review that was touted as the mother of all retirement income reviews but then its final reports does not contain any recommendations?

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Beyond ideology: rent subsidies inadequate

Published 2 December 2020

It is now beyond ideology that the Commonwealth Rent Assistance is so low that even doubling it would do little to help low-income renters out of poverty. What does help?

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Out and About vouchers, are you going to miss out?

Published 25 November 2020

The NSW Budget promised one hundred dollars' worth of vouchers on your smart phone to spend at hospitality venues, but it seems the Minister for Customer Services has not yet worked out how to give these vouchers to people who haven't got a smart phone. [more]

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Stamp duty or property tax, you choose

Published 25 November 2020

The NSW Treasurer thinks he has found a painless way of replacing stamp duty with a land tax. Here's how it works and a few pitfalls for pensioners.

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NSW Budget 2020-21: the thumbs up and the thumbs down

Published 18 November 2020

The NSW COVID-19 Budget brings a lot less social housing to the state than needed, but there are some good things as well.

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