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On holidays from your nursing home

Published 11 August 2020

COVID-19 has seen many families re-evaluate if a nursing home is really the best place for their loved one. Some are considering taking their loved one out and accommodating them with family, but apart from the difficulties that is always likely to present, there are a few unnecessary hurdles as well. [more]

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Build-to-rent not all it’s built up to be

Published 11 August 2020

There's a new tax break for housing specifically built to be rented out by a single landlord, but low-income households, including older renters, will be shut out of this market.

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New: 10 Questions about aged care – information series

Published 11 August 2020

10 QUESTIONS is a series of leaflets about aged care written by nurses, doctors and experts with experience in aged care. Each leaflet focuses on an individual aspect of care to increase consumer knowledge and make the journey into residential aged care easier. [more]

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Would you like a little land tax with your stamp duty?

Published 27 July 2020

The NSW Federal Financial Relations Review recommends replacing stamp duty with a land tax. It will make downsizing easier, it spruiks, but for most it will make it impossible.

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To vax or not to vax

Published 27 July 2020

CPSA is very clear about where it stands on vaxing: vax!

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Cold housing kills

Published 27 July 2020

Low-income households living in poorly insulated housing is a recipe for hypothermia and death.

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How having 90 words for snow relates to aged care

Published 23 July 2020

Languages spoken north of the Arctic circle have many words for snow, because there is so much snow and so many different types of snow north of the Arctic circle. The Australian aged care industry is all for a similar semantic deployment. [more]

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What the Michelin Guide to Australian nursing homes doesn’t tell you

Published 23 July 2020

Not only does the new nursing home rating system fail to tell people looking for a nursing home how good or adequate homes are (only how bad), it also fails to mention things that would be useful to know.

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Aged care funding for old rope

Published 23 July 2020

The federal Department of Health has a habit of making simple things complicated in aged care funding and it's costing the taxpayer while home care providers laugh all the way to the bank. Financing of the Commonwealth Home Support Program and the Home Care Packages program explained. [more]

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Poor housing and expensive energy is killing thousands of Australians

Published 23 July 2020

It doesn't really get cold in Australia, but your body temperature only needs to drop by two degrees, and you're in trouble. Drafty and poorly insulated housing can get you there.

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Would you rather be financially secure now or when you’re dead?

Published 22 July 2020

A new CPSA publication explains why it is necessary for most retirees to use their capital to fund their retirement and suggests a few ways in which it can be done without running out of money before you die.

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OUT NOW: Michelin Guide to Australian Nursing Homes

Published 29 June 2020

Malnourishment is not exactly what you would associate with the Michelin restaurant guide, but the Department of Health has gone ahead and done a Michelin (with dots rather than stars) for Australian nursing homes - available from July 2020. [more]

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How serious is the Government about serious nursing home incidents?

Published 29 June 2020

Everybody is concerned about serious incidents in nursing homes in which one resident attacks another. Often dementia is in play. But being concerned is not going to fix the problem.

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Right of reply: You can trust Advance Care Planning

Published 29 June 2020

Dying with Dignity NSW's Board Member Dr Liz Jacka did not agree with an article published last month on this website about Advance Care Directives. Here is her reply.

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Public dental budget hole filled at last minute

Published 29 June 2020

Australia's disregard for oral health continues with public dental schemes coming very close to being de-funded.

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Super shock unnecessary

Published 29 June 2020

Halved overnight! Many retirees received a letter from their superannuation fund saying their pension would be halved from 1 July 2020. It's not as bad as it seems, though.

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Keep the change: cash must stay

Published 29 June 2020

Media reports suggest that cash has all but vanished as a method of payment but the Reserve Bank of Australia begs to differ.

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Australia needs to get tough on elder abuse

Published 29 June 2020

Powers of attorney are a great tool for people's affairs to be managed, but they can and are abused as well. What to do about this?

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Housing stimulus not for those who need it

Published 29 June 2020

The Government's housing stimulus package ignores the need for social and affordable housing in favour of helping home buyers and renovators, who will appreciate the extra cash, but what about the massive waiting list for social housing?  [more]

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The great Narromine toilet roll heist

Published 25 May 2020

In a letter to CPSA, CPSA member Bob Meadly provides an insight in how COVID-19 is lived in rural NSW and also opines that free-to-air TV these days is so bad it probably gives you dementia.

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