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Budget 2021: How much would it really cost to get rid of the home care waiting list?

Published 12 May 2021

Usually, aged care announcements of tens of thousand of new Home Care Packages are full of smoke and mirror, and Budget 2021 is no different.

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Bureaucratic imagination soars in Budget 2021: home care packages

Published 12 May 2021

The imagination of bureaucrats can make for great announcements but it doesn't address current issues with the Home Care Packages waiting list.

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Budget 2021: Work test for super abolished!

Published 12 May 2021

Inheritances, lottery and lotto winnings and other financial windfalls can now be put into super even if you’re over 65 and not working with abolition of the work test from 1July 2022 if legislation passes in time.

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Budget 2021: Pension Loans Scheme widened

Published 12 May 2021

The Pension Loans Scheme will be offering lump sum loans against your home, but borrower beware!

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Budget 2021: Another affordable housing non-solution

Published 12 May 2021

Don't expect housing affordability to improve any time soon as the Budget announces more demand-driven schemes without attempting to increase housing supply.

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Does Your-Future-Your-Super have a future?

Published 5 May 2021

What could be wrong with everyone having only one super account in a high-performing fund bound to act in its members’ best financial interests? Plenty, it seems.

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Grave matters taken too lightly by NSW funeral regulators

Published 5 May 2021

A review of the NSW funeral industry accepts too lightly the status quo of industry regulation.

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Australians avoid planning for death

Published 5 May 2021

Having a plan in place for your death won’t just give you peace of mind but it may be helpful for your mourners’ grieving process.

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Australia needs superannuation pension products

Published 28 April 2021

As the minimum compulsory superannuation rate debate continues, many retirees are still unsure about how to responsibly use their super savings. Superannuation pension products offer a solution.

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Digital device use up among older Australians

Published 28 April 2021

In the midst of a global pandemic, data shows that more older Australians have been getting online and using digital devices.

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Granny flat arrangements to offer greater protections for older people

Published 28 April 2021

A new law to be introduced on 1 July 2021 will incentivise people to create formal contracts when opting into a granny flat arrangement, greatly reducing the risk of financial abuse.

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Unprepared to meet somebody else’s maker: advance care planning

Published 21 April 2021

Advance care planning is not just about making a statement about what medical care you do and don’t want if and when you are too unwell to make decisions. It is also about making sure that the person making the decisions for you knows what to do. [more]

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CPSA has been heard on non-compliant funeral homes

Published 21 April 2021

The NSW Government has announced a blitz on funeral homes not clearly displaying the cost of goods and services. A good first step, with hopefully more to come.

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National Power of Attorney reform now!

Published 21 April 2021

Everyone agrees financial abuse needs to be addressed urgently so why is every state and territory muddling along with their own legislation?

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Banks take one step forward and two steps back

Published 14 April 2021

Banks address financial abuse but continue to close branches and in doing so put people at a greater risk of financial abuse.

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More women join self-managed super on less money

Published 14 April 2021

Self-managed super is very popular among women on low to medium incomes, ATO data shows.

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Centrelink continues cosying up to rent-to-buy loan-sharks

Published 14 April 2021

Ruthless rent-to-buy operations rely on Centrelink to collect their debts through a mechanism set up to protect vulnerable welfare recipients, and it’s all in the name of freedom to choose.

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The right to basic nursing home information

Published 7 April 2021

During its two-and-a-bit years of existence, the Aged Care Royal Commission compiled fifty quality indicators about residential aged care. The Department of Health has managed to compile three since 1997, the year the Aged Care Act commenced. [more]

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Cheap(er) NBN connections on the way

Published 7 April 2021

Cheaper internet plans for people on low-incomes, but they’re really not that cheap and it is questionable that anyone would want them.

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Aged Care Star Ratings System needs people power

Published 31 March 2021

The US star rating system for nursing homes is being manipulated. Should Australia introduce a similar system, or should it at least build in an extra protection?

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