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Committee finds nurses in nursing homes is a good thing

Published 23 June 2021

NSW is the only state requiring a registered nurse to be on site 24/7 in all NSW nursing homes. The NSW Government wants to get rid of this provision.

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Beware of financial abuse as you get older!

Published 23 June 2021

Getting older may mean getting more vulnerable and there are some who will exploit that vulnerability.

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NSW Regional Seniors Travel Card: here to stay?

Published 23 June 2021

Is it here to stay? The NSW Regional Seniors Travel Card will be funded for another two years!

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The Govt’s plan to keep the Home Care Packages waiting list

Published 16 June 2021

New Home Care Packages continue to be announced by the Federal Government to eliminate the long waiting list. However, will a new home support program shift the problem rather than fix it once and for all?

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COVID-19 passport is here!

Published 16 June 2021

Proof of COVID-19 vaccination status is now available in Australia. However, where and how it can or must be used has not yet been revealed.

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What the future holds for NSW

Published 16 June 2021

A NSW Government report reveals what NSW will look like in 2061. What is needed to address the current housing situation?

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Will 1 July Medicare changes lead to higher out-of-pocket costs?

Published 9 June 2021

Changes to the Medicare Benefits Schedule mean that for many MBS items the MBS fee will go up or down. This will then change the gap between the MBS fee and the medical specialist’s fee. Who will be affected?

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Aged care vaccine roll-out: residents OK but staff forgotten

Published 9 June 2021

The Australian Government and the federal Department of Health have copped heavy criticism over the nursing home vaccine roll-out. Is it justified?

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Oral health of older people continues to be ignored

Published 9 June 2021

Existing public dental schemes need greater funding to be turned into entitlement schemes so anyone at any age can receive the dental care they need.

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Your what-to-do-if-I-die-first-or-I-get-dementia plan for your SMSF

Published 2 June 2021

Setting up an SMSF and running it is easy compared with planning what will happen with the SMSF if the ‘expert’ trustee/member dies or becomes legally incapacitated before the ‘inexpert’ trustee member.

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Should we worry about financial advisers leaving in droves?

Published 2 June 2021

More than a decade of reform is driving financial advisers out of an industry know for its fat commissions and contempt for its customers. Do we worry or celebrate, or something in between?

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Super withdrawal rates halved for another year

Published 2 June 2021

Superannuants all rejoice for the reduction in withdrawal rates reduction rules for another financial year.

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Govt takes the slow boat to veiled aged care financial transparency

Published 26 May 2021

The aged care industry is addicted to operating under a veil of secrecy, viewing with suspicion initiatives to get important consumer information out into the open. The problem is the Government seems to agree with the industry as the Government’s response to Royal Commission recommendations seem to indicate. [more]

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Domestic tourism boom adds fuel to housing-unaffordability fire

Published 26 May 2021

Caravan parks morph into residential parks into manufactured home estates into land lease communities. Gentrification is increasingly pushing out low-income older Australians.

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Update your will!

Published 26 May 2021

Where there’s a will, there’s not always a will fit-for-purpose.

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Housing accessibility standards set to improve

Published 19 May 2021

Minimum accessibility standards have been agreed to by federal, state and territory building ministers. If enforced by state governments this will mean all new houses will have to meet seven minimum accessibility standards.

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Loyal Telstra customers taken advantage of

Published 19 May 2021

Loyalty to brands seems to mean very little in this day and age. As consumer advocate CHOICE found, older Telstra customers showed great levels of loyalty to Telstra but instead of rewarding this behaviour, Telstra was found to be overselling to older people. [more]

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Federal opposition supports social housing increase

Published 19 May 2021

The Federal opposition's reply to the Government's budget included the establishment of a $10 billion social housing fund that would be used to build tens of thousands of social housing properties.

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Budget 2021: New aged care funding disappoints, but a few green shoots

Published 12 May 2021

CPSA's response to the 2021 Budget.

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CPSA responds to Budget 2021: new aged care funding disappoints plus a few green shoots

Published 12 May 2021

CPSA's response to important announcements made as part of Budget 2021 regarding older people. 

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