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Let us tell you how happy you will be in your nursing home: regulator

Published 18 January 2023

The new five-star nursing home rating system has come in for some stern criticism, but CPSA believes it should be given a chance ... to improve!

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Here are your pension and related indexation dates for 2023

Published 16 January 2023

Wishing all our readers a happy 2023 and hoping indexation in the new year may be adequate. Here are the dates!

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CPSA supports NSW pokies going cashless

Published 14 December 2022

In the run-up to the NSW Election in March next year, if re-elected, the NSW Government has vowed to introduce a cashless gaming card. CPSA supports this move.

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Is power pain relief coming?

Published 14 December 2022

The Energy Price Relief Plan aims to offer exactly what it says on the tin. But what is the plan to make this happen and, more importantly, will it work?

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Missing diabetes medications

Published 12 December 2022

Many people have been struggling to find their usual diabetes medication recently. Here's what can you do to stay healthy in the meantime.

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Big changes for Buy Now, Pay Later

Published 9 December 2022

With the rise of Buy Now, Pay Later it's easier to get credit than ever before. But what's in place to make sure you aren't being taken advantage of?

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Who can get antiviral treatments for COVID-19 when?

Published 7 December 2022

COVID-19 isn't going away anytime soon and it will continue to kill, particularly older people. Here's what to make sure you do everything possible to not fall victim to the dreaded COVID.

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It’s here: a New Michelin Guide to Nursing Homes!

Published 5 December 2022

The current ratings system for nursing home performance is only two years old, but a new Michelin Guide to nursing homes has already replaced it. And it's better than the old one.

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Australia behind the eight ball in cancer detection

Published 2 December 2022

Advances in cancer detection methodology are not being fully used in Australia, which because of its size and far-flung communities really needs to embrace these advances, says the University of New South Wales.

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Fresh input on your pensions and payments

Published 30 November 2022

A new Economic Inclusion Advisory Panel has just been announced. What does this mean for your payments moving forward?

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Will you still be able to get home care from 1 July 2024?

Published 28 November 2022

It's official. The new home care system will mean the end of the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) on which two-thirds of the 1.5 million people receiving aged care in Australia rely. CHSP providers will leave the industry in droves, to be replaced by . [more]

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COVID rampages on but nobody cares anymore!

Published 25 November 2022

Denial is a wonderful way of feeling good about something bad, and perhaps that's why Australia seems to be pretending COVID-19 is no longer a threat or even an issue. The facts tell a different story.

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Are bonds term deposits on steroids?

Published 23 November 2022

Understanding the best ways to invest your money can be hard but don't turn back to your regular term deposit until you've read this.

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Can pharmacists fix the GP shortage?

Published 21 November 2022

The NSW Government has announced a new trial expanding the responsibilities of pharmacists to help you get quicker access to healthcare but beware, there may be more risks than it seems at first glance.

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Do your super and affordable housing mix?

Published 18 November 2022

There's been lots of talk about recruiting superannuation funds to help tackle the housing crisis but is it really realistic? How will investing in social and affordable housing affect your savings in super?

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Dementia: a carer’s advice

Published 16 November 2022

Following an article on dementia in CPSA News, William Griffiths wrote to CPSA to share his experiences caring for his wife. Here is what he wrote.

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Cholesterol, cancer: research finds potential super protein

Published 14 November 2022

It's usually a long time between exciting medical research findings and the practical application of those findings, but a protein called ERG28 looks promising.

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Superannuation’s midlife crisis: big rule changes are coming!

Published 11 November 2022

Superannuation turned thirty recently, which means it's gone through about half a cycle of a single working-life-plus-retirement, and there are some pressing problems.

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The biggest dental deserts

Published 9 November 2022

Ever tried to get a public dental appointment and wondered why it was so difficult? You may be living in a dental desert without even realising it.

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Are you missing out on free money?

Published 7 November 2022

With energy bills continuing to rise, any help you can get is more than welcome. Meanwhile over a quarter of Australians entitled to concessions aren't claiming them! Make sure you aren't missing out.

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