The biggest dental deserts
Published 9 November 2022
Ever tried to get a public dental appointment and wondered why it was so difficult? You may be living in a dental desert without even realising it.
Are you missing out on free money?
Published 7 November 2022
With energy bills continuing to rise, any help you can get is more than welcome. Meanwhile over a quarter of Australians entitled to concessions aren't claiming them! Make sure you aren't missing out.
CPI delivers real increases to the pension
Published 4 November 2022
Big increases in the cost of goods and services pensioners generally don't use can push up the CPI but not the pensioner living cost index.
Why one million new homes don’t matter
Published 2 November 2022
Making housing affordable? Building one million homes? The new National Housing Accord makes lots of big claims but what good will it actually do?
Whose standard is the standard in a standard drink?
Published 31 October 2022
Have you ever wondered which school of thought gets the say how big or small a standard alcoholic drink is? It varies from country to country for reasons unclear.
How much will the pension be in March 2023 and in four years’ time?
Published 28 October 2022
Budgets are about reading the future or, if you prefer, soggy tea leaves. So, CPSA cranked up its trusty old calculator and did the forward estimates on the pension.
A solid interim Budget: now for May 2023
Published 26 October 2022
PREDICTABLY, Tuesday’s federal Budget was a let-down for those who expected immediate solutions for the burning issues needing urgent attention.
Tomorrow’s Budget: the quiet before the storm of the May Budget?
Published 24 October 2022
The month of May is traditionally the month of the Budget, and is likely to be far more eventful than tomorrow's affair. Still. tomorrow may yield some hints about what's to come in May.
Have natural disasters led to a housing disaster?
Published 21 October 2022
Fires, floods, pandemics, a cost-of-living crisis and who knows what is coming our way next. How wide reaching are their effects and what does this mean for your hopes of a safe, secure home?
Soft drinks cause cancer: new liver research
Published 19 October 2022
Research just published in the medical scientific journal Nature Medicine found that you don’t have to be a drinker at all to damage your liver. Sweet things are just as bad. What a boring world we live in!
NSW property tax: return of the living dead?
Published 17 October 2022
Like the mortally wounded knight in Monty Python's 'The Holy Grail', the NSW property tax proposal has had all its limbs cut off but keeps saying that it's "just a flesh wound". It's time to put it out of its misery.
Data breaches and identity theft: what right to privacy do you have?
Published 14 October 2022
Not a day goes by during which you're not asked what your date of birth is. And your driver's licence number. And your Medicare card. Your passport. Where to draw the line?
The many shapes and sizes of ageism
Published 12 October 2022
If you've been denied a job, talked over or underestimated because of your age you're not alone. A new poll exposes the range of ways ageism is impacting older Australians.
Sorry folks, it turns out good cholesterol is no good after all
Published 10 October 2022
Food scientists have tried to prove that there is such a thing as good cholesterol for decades. That quest has ended unsuccessfully.
Would life be better without deeming rates?
Published 7 October 2022
Deeming rates are either going up too fast or going down too slow. Wouldn't it be better to get rid of them?
Regional banks get the green light to go app
Published 5 October 2022
Regional bank branches are closing, replaced by apps. Alright if you're tech-savvy and don't depend on cash, but what if you're not and do? The Regional Banking Taskforce has given in to the digital divide.
Is pension indexation about to go monthly?
Published 3 October 2022
Alone in the G20 and berated by the IMF, Australia stubbornly stuck to quarterly CPI reporting until .... now! And now that the CPI has gone monthly, what's stopping pension indexation to follow?
What every contact lens wearer should watch out for
Published 30 September 2022
The risk may not be great but it does exist. Contact lens wearers should pay heed to the findings of a new study.
Work Bonus: a grey army recruit deserts
Published 28 September 2022
Work Bonus is there to make it easier for pensioners to get a job in retirement but the income reporting requirements are not for the faint-hearted.
Dementia: know the signs
Published 26 September 2022
Rates of dementia continue to grow in Australia yet social stigma stops people from knowing the signs and getting the help they need. Make sure you have all the information you need to stay on top of your health.
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