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Return of the Aged Care Robot

Published 23 August 2018

"We don't even have Wi-Fi': a descriptive study exploring current use and availability of communication technologies in residential aged care, by Wendy Moyle et al surveyed nursing homes and found a lag in uptake of modern communication technologies. [more]

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Pensioners Support Creation of Social Security Commission

Published 21 August 2018

"CPSA supports the Private Members' Bill introduced by Cathy McGowan to establish a social security commission", said CPSA Policy Coordinator, Paul Versteege.

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Pensioners Support Law Forcing Publication of Nursing Home Staffing Levels

Published 20 August 2018

“CPSA welcomes a Private Member’s Bill being introduced into Federal Parliament today by Independent MP Rebekha Sharkie which will force aged care providers to publicly disclose their staffing ratios,” said CPSA Policy Coordinator, Paul Versteege. [more]

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My Health Record: In or Out?

Published 20 August 2018

The roll-out of My Health Record has created a media storm, with arguments for and against participation flying thick and fast.

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Home Care Waiting List Blows Out by 3.7% in Single Quarter

Published 17 August 2018

"Overall, the number of people waiting for a Home Care Package (HCP) has increased by a massive 3.7% in a single quarter, from 104,602 to 108,456” said CPSA Policy Coordinator, Paul Versteege.

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Centrelink Call Centres to Remain Understaffed: Pensioners

Published 8 August 2018

"CPSA is calling on the Australian Government to employ a further 2,500 staff to its Centrelink call centres to answer the 44 million calls annually that simply ring out", said CPSA Policy Coordinator Paul Versteege.

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Internet Supplement to Compensate Pensioners

Published 31 July 2018

"Services like Centrelink and Medicare have achieved huge operational cost savings by moving their customer interface online. However, access to the online customer interface comes at a cost to pensioners and other low income households", said CPSA Policy Coordinator Paul Versteege. [more]

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Plan Your Healthcare

Published 31 July 2018

Advance Care Planning Australia (ACPA) has reported that it has received five times the number of calls it did the previous year.

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Consumer Watchdog Shows the Way on Electricity Pricing

Published 29 July 2018

If the Australian Government adopts the recommendations of a recent report by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), electricity prices might finally come down.

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Tri-annual SMSF Audits

Published 28 July 2018

The last federal Budget contained a measure to change the frequency of Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) audits from annual to every three years. This would only be available to SMSFs with a clean record over the previous three years. [more]

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Centrelink Automation Leaves Vulnerable Behind

Published 27 July 2018

A recent report confirms what we already know, that Centrelink's push for automation and self-service is leaving people behind.

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EnableNSW and Home Care Packages

Published 26 July 2018

People over 65 who have a disability are excluded from EnableNSW, NSW's disability aids and equipment scheme.

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Private Health Insurance is Unwell

Published 25 July 2018

If you are one of the lucky ones who can still afford private health insurance, you may have found that your policy didn't quite cover what you thought it covered.

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HbA1c Everybody!

Published 25 July 2018

If you don't know what the HbA1c test is, read on!

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Are Nursing Homes Disappearing?

Published 24 July 2018

Something curious is happening in residential aged care.In 2015, the total number of nursing home places was 192,370. The next year that number rose 1.7 per cent to 234,931, in 2017 it rose 2.5 per cent to 239,379.

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Some Nursing Homes are Disappearing!

Published 24 July 2018

In January of this year, the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency closed down The Ritz nursing home in Leura (NSW). It failed 30 out of 44 criteria.

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Unannounced Audits

Published 23 July 2018

One of the Government responses to the Oakden nursing home scandal was to make all aged care audits unannounced.

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Aged Care Workforce Inquiry: Government Response

Published 21 July 2018

On 26 June, the Australian Government responded to the recommendations of the Senate inquiry Future of Australia's aged care sector workforce.

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Pensioners Demand Electricity Price Overhaul

Published 11 July 2018

"CPSA welcomes the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's report that describes the current situation of high electricity prices and bills as unacceptable and unsustainable", said policy officer, Bronagh Power.

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Zip Up Your Pockets: Australian Specialists Can Charge Whatever They Want

Published 28 June 2018

Whilst private health insurance often cops the blame for ludicrous out-of-pocket-costs, there is another factor at play – doctors' fees.

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