Some Nursing Homes are Disappearing!

Article published 24 July 2018

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Failing Audits

In January of this year, the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency closed down The Ritz nursing home in Leura (NSW). It failed 30 out of 44 criteria.

On 21 July 2018, the ARK Parramatta nursing home will lose its accreditation. It failed 43 out of 44 criteria.

ARK is a for-profit aged care company, which operates five nursing homes in Sydney. Apart from Parramatta, there’s an ARK in Oatley, Russell Lea, Sylvania and Rockdale.

ARK Rockdale and ARK Russell Lea were audited recently and failed 13 out of 44 and 10 out of 44 respectively.

ARK Oatley and ARK Sylvania have not been recently audited.

However, under the new rule by which all audits will be unannounced, they can be audited at any time.

Given the performance of the other ARKs, it would be very surprising if ARK Oatley and ARK Sylvania were not being scrutinised.

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