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CPSA Publications

Submission to IPART Review of Social and Affordable Housing Rent Models Draft Report

Published 12 May 2017

CPSA's submission in response to IPART's draft report as part of the Review of Social and Affordable Housing Rent Models. CPSA also made a submission responding to IPART's initial issues paper.

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Submission to NSW Parliamentary Inquiry Inquiry into the Management of Health Care Delivery

Published 28 April 2017

CPSA welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Public Accounts Committee of the NSW Legislative Assembly's Inquiry into the Management of Health Care Delivery.

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Greater Sydney Commission’s Draft District Plans

Published 31 March 2017

CPSA welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the Greater Sydney Commission's draft district plans. This submission responds to the issues of housing affordability and affordable rental housing, as highlighted in all six district plans. [more]

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Australian Law Reform Commission: Elder Abuse Discussion Paper

Published 10 March 2017

CPSA welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the Elder Abuse Discussion Paper (DP 83) released by the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC). The majority of this submission responds to Chapter 11 of the Discussion Paper, which related to aged care. [more]

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Protection of Residential Aged Care Lump Sum Accommodation Payments

Published 3 March 2017

CPSA's comments on the Aged Care Funding Authority's public discussion paper on the protection of residential aged care lump sum accommodation payments.

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Submission to IPART Review of Social and Affordable Housing Rent Models Issues Paper

Published 6 January 2017

CPSA's submission to IPART's Review of Social and Affordable Housing Rent Models.

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Submission to the Review of the Community Visitors Scheme

Published 8 December 2016

CPSA welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback as part of the review of the Community Visitors Scheme (CVS). As well as delivering systemic advocacy on behalf of pensioners of all ages and low income retirees, CPSA has been an auspicing body of the CVS in Sydney since 1991. [more]

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Submission to Department of Health Aged Care Legislated Review

Published 5 December 2016

CPSA's submission responds to eight of the nine key matters that section 4 of the Aged Care Act 1997 requires to be addressed as part of the Aged Care Legislated Review. This response is structured according to the listing of these nine key matters on the Department of Health's webpage for the Review (https://agedcare. [more]

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Submission to Department of Social Services: Draft Service Delivery Model for a Proposed New Carer Support Service System

Published 1 December 2016

CPSA welcomes the opportunity to comment on the draft model for the delivery of carer support services.

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Submission to Foundations for Change – Homelessness in NSW

Published 1 November 2016

CPSA welcomes the opportunity to comment on Foundations for Change – Homelessness in NSW Older people and homelessness

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Comments on Introduction of Bonds for Public Housing Tenants

Published 19 October 2016

CPSA welcomes the opportunity to provide comment on the NSW Department of Family and Community Services (FACS) plans to introduce tenancy bonds for public housing tenants. This submission first identifies a number of changes that must be made to the draft policy if it is to be introduced. [more]

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Review of the Local Government Rating System (Draft Report)

Published 13 October 2016

CPSA will again limit its submission to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) on the Local Government Rating Revenue review to the pensioner council rebates.

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Submission to Senate Economics Committee on Budget Savings (Omnibus) Bill 2016

Published 8 September 2016

CPSA welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Budget Savings (Omnibus) Bill 2016 and notes that this submission has been prepared in consultation with Carers NSW.

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‘The Objective of Superannuation’ Discussion Paper: Submission to The Treasury April 2016

Published 29 August 2016

CPSA welcomes the opportunity to comment on The Treasury’s ‘the Objective of Superannuation’ discussion paper.

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Submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission’s Inquiry into Elder Abuse

Published 29 August 2016

CPSA welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Australian Law Reform Commission's Inquiry into Elder Abuse. As an organisation representing the views of pensioners of all ages and other low income retirees, CPSA has a keen interest in the issue of elder abuse. [more]

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Submission to Senate Inquiry into the Future of Australia’s Aged Care Workforce

Published 25 July 2016

You can access a copy of CPSA's submission to the Senate Inquiry into the future of Australia's aged care workforce on the inquiry website, submission number 295.It is also in the attached pdf.

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Submission to ‘Increasing Choice in Home Care – Stage 1’ Discussion Paper

Published 20 June 2016

CPSA's submission to the Department of Health's Increasing Choice in Home Care - Stage 1 discussion paper.

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Submission to the IPART Review of the Local Government Rating System

Published 1 June 2016

CPSA welcomes the opportunity to comment on IPART’s Local Government – Issues Paper as part the Review of Local Government Rating System.

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Residential Tenancies Act Review

Published 1 March 2016

CPSA's submission to the Fair Trading statutory review of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010.

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Submission to IPART in response to draft report on Opal fares

Published 5 February 2016

CPSA welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Transport – Draft Report More efficient, more integrated Opal fares. This submission focuses on concessions, particularly the Gold Opal pricing as this is the fare paid by the majority of our constituency. [more]

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