Submission to Senate Inquiry into the Future of Australia’s Aged Care Workforce

Published 25 July 2016

Submission to Senate Inquiry into the Future of Australia’s Aged Care Workforce

You can access a copy of CPSA's submission to the Senate Inquiry into the future of Australia's aged care workforce on the inquiry website, submission number 295.It is also in the attached pdf.

Please note:

At the dissolution of the Senate and the House of Representatives on 9 May 2016 for a general election on 2 July 2016, the parliamentary committees of the 44th Parliament ceased to exist. Therefore inquiries that were not completed have lapsed and submissions cannot be received.

However, information about the inquiries is still available on this website. You can access a copy of CPSA’s submission to the Senate Inquiry into the future of Australia’s aged care workforce on the inquiry website, submission number 295.

Download PDF

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