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Will we have RN24/7 or RN20/7 registered nurses in nursing homes?

Published 21 June 2023

More registered nurses in nursing homes: Royal Commission recommendations about staff-to-residents ratios are about to be implemented. Effectively?

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Are you owed any money?

Published 19 June 2023

The best money to have is money you don't know you have, but you have to find it first. Here's how to go about claiming unclaimed money.

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Here’s how to get $1,000s more in the Age Pension

Published 16 June 2023

An example of what good, affordable advice can do for your retirement income once new rule changes come in.

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World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is important to you!

Published 14 June 2023

You may thinks it's just another Day-of-This-or-That, but this is actually a day that matters to anyone who knows someone older: anyone!

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Will cheques really finish by 2030, Treasurer?

Published 9 June 2023

It's as official as it can get: the Treasurer sets end date for cheques, but even the Treasurer can't be sure that will really be the end.

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Grey army of workers stays at home despite better Work Bonus

Published 7 June 2023

Work Bonus was meant to get pensioners back into work in great numbers, but Government modelling may have overestimated pensioner enthusiasm.

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The importance of self-managed care for CHSP providers (4)

Published 5 June 2023

Non-self-managed self-managed care is where a care recipient themselves coordinates multiple approved providers. How does that work?

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Are you willing to pay more for aged care?

Published 5 June 2023

When aged care providers talk about sustainability, they mean money. When they're talking about all-options-on-the-table, they mean your money.

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A new kid on the cholesterol block

Published 2 June 2023

Cholesterol is a major factor in heart disease. It now appears that even a strict diet won't help if genetics are stacked against you.

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The importance of self-managed care for CHSP providers (2)

Published 1 June 2023

A care recipient who self-manages their care completely! Why bother with an approved provider at all?

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The importance of self-managed care for CHSP providers (3)

Published 1 June 2023

Self-managed care doesn't necessarily mean that a care recipient is lumped solely with the responsibility for their care.

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By how much is your power bill going down?

Published 31 May 2023

If federal Treasury modelling is right, the Energy Bill Relief Fund is going to make a real difference for low-income households.

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Home Care Package funding goes up 12%

Published 29 May 2023

A huge pay rise for care workers is funded by the federal Government but make sure your service levels aren't reduced.

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Is both-eyes-same-day cataract surgery coming to Australia?

Published 26 May 2023

Cataract surgery on both eyes is usually done one-eye-at-a-time but it is much cheaper to do both eyes at the same time. Is it safe?

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What’s the role of triple zero in aged care?

Published 24 May 2023

The use of a taser on a resident led to widespread condemnation, but what was police doing in a nursing home? How often are they called out?

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Why a Victorian bank came to NSW and why it is now leaving

Published 22 May 2023

Bank branches were once a major bank asset for banks. Bendigo Bank used them to become big, but now they're being discarded.

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The importance of self-managed care for CHSP providers (1)

Published 18 May 2023

Self-managed home care is all the rage in the Home Care Packages Program, so CHSP providers would do well to understand how it works. The first in a series of three posts on self-managed care.

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As a couple, are you prepared for the death of who dies first?

Published 18 May 2023

Older couples are well-advised to think ahead and get their affairs in order for the day when one partner passes on.

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Australia to appoint federal anti-scam cop in two years’ time

Published 17 May 2023

Scams and scam texts, emails and calls are the blight of being online and connected. The federal Government is acting, but it will take time.

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Is COVID over or is the world over COVID?

Published 15 May 2023

The World Health Organisation says the COVID-19 pandemic is over and that COVID is now a killer, like influenza. Caution is still needed.

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