Subscribe to THE VOICE

CPSA's monthly magazine covering issues affecting people on low incomes


THE VOICE OF PENSIONERS AND SUPERANNUANTS is CPSA’s monthly newspaper published eleven times per year. It covers the burning issues affecting older people on low incomes. News and CPSA campaign news on pensions and other social security payments, superannuation and aged care, plus a host of other issues fill each edition.

THE VOICE is free to members.

THE VOICE is distributed by post and email and can also be downloaded from the CPSA’s website.

  • All individual members of CPSA and affiliated organisations receive newspaper versions of THE VOICE as part of their membership.
  • Subscriptions to the eVOICE are free. Subscribers to the eVOICE receive an email towards the end of each month with links to the latest content and a PDF copy of the next month’s edition of THE VOICE.
  • For those individuals and organisations who are not CPSA members, subscription to THE VOICE newspaper is $32 per annum.

Benefits of subscribing to THE VOICE

By subscribing to the THE VOICE, readers with a personal or professional interest in ageing issues have access to:

  • Analysis of policy proposals by Government, industry bodies, thinktanks and commentators
  • Updates on proposed legislation affecting social security, aged care and other ageing issues
  • Reports on parliamentary and other inquiries
  • News on the indexation of benefits and on concessions and rebates

Subscribe to THE VOICE newspaper

Subscription to THE VOICE newspaper is free for members and only $32 per annum for non members

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  • $ 32.00
  • American Express
    Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
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