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CPSA Publications

Submission on Residential Park Regulations

Published 17 December 2015

CPSA's submission to the Department of Planning and Environment on the discussion paper, ‘Improving the regulation of manufactured homes, caravan parks, manufactured home estates and camping grounds’.

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Inquiry into Employment Discrimination Against Older Australians and Australians with Disability

Published 7 December 2015

CPSA's submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission's national inquiry into employment discrimination against older Australians and Australians with disability.

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Submission to the NSW Inquiry into Elder Abuse

Published 20 November 2015

CPSA's submission to the Legislative Council inquiry into elder abuse.

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Submission to the Medicare Benefits Schedule Review

Published 15 November 2015

CPSA's submission to the Medicare Benefits Schedule Review Taskforce.

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Submission to the Review of Aged Care Advocacy Services

Published 22 September 2015

CPSA's submission to the review of Commonwealth Aged Care Advocacy Services.

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Submission to IPART on Finding the Best Fare Structure for Opal

Published 28 August 2015

CPSA's submission to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) about public transport fares.

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Residential Tenancies and Housing Legislation Amendment (Public Housing – Antisocial Behaviour) Bill 2015

Published 26 August 2015

CPSA's submission to this Bill which, if passed, will see increased avenues for social housing landlords to evict tenants under one and three strike notices.

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Inquiry into Registered Nurses in NSW Nursing Homes

Published 22 August 2015

CPSA's submission to the NSW Legislative Council inquiry into registered nurses in NSW nursing homes. We argue that the requirement that ensures that nursing homes have a registered nurse on duty at all times is vital for care quality and needs to remain in place. [more]

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Submission on the Strata Schemes Development Bill 2015

Published 14 August 2015

CPSA’s submission on the exposure draft of the Strata Schemes Development Bill 2015 (NSW).

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Comments on the Proposed Amendments NSW Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Legislation for Residential Care Facilities

Published 22 July 2015

CPSA's comments on the proposed amendments to the NSW Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Legislation for residential care facilities.

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Submission on the Tax White Paper

Published 9 June 2015

CPSA's submission to the Federal Government's Tax White Paper, Re: Think Better Tax, Better Australia.

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Home Care Packages Programme Fees

Published 22 May 2015

CPSA's comments on the Home Care Packages Programme consultation paper.

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Commonwealth Home Support Programme

Published 22 April 2015

CPSA's submission to the consultation on fees for the Commonwealth Home Support Programme.

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Social Housing in NSW

Published 27 February 2015

CPSA's submission to the NSW Government discussion paper Social Housing in NSW.

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Comment on the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Regulation 2014

Published 31 January 2015

CPSA welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Regulation 2014 (the Regulation). CPSA is only providing comment on clauses in the Regulation it believes should be redrafted.

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Submission on the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Budget Repair) Bill 2015

Published 13 January 2015

CPSA's submission to the Senate Community Affairs Committee Inquiry into the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Budget Repair) Bill 2015. CPSA welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Budget Repair) Bill 2015. [more]

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Submission to Senate Inquiry on Income Inequality

Published 5 December 2014

CPSA's submission to the Community Affairs References Committee on the extent of income inequality in Australia.

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Submission to the TGA about Medicine Labelling

Published 28 November 2014

CPSA's submission to the Australian Government Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) on medicine labelling.

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Inquiry into Tenancy Management in Social Housing

Published 21 October 2014

CPSA's submission to Legislative Assembly Public Accounts Committee inquiry into current tenancy management in NSW social housing.

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Submission to IPART on the External Benefits of Public Transport

Published 9 October 2014

CPSA's submission to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal's issues paper about the external benefits of public transport. CPSA argues that social inclusion and health should be considered external benefits and be factored into fare setting. [more]

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