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CPSA Publications

Submission to Inquiry into the Aged Care Amendment (Staffing Ratio Disclosure) Bill 2018 Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport

Published 24 September 2018

CPSA supports the quarterly publication of ratios of aged care recipients to staff members for each residential care service as set out in the Aged Care Amendment (Staffing Ratio Disclosure) Bill 2018.

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Submission to the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation’s Easy and Transparent Trading Consultation Paper

Published 28 August 2018

CPSA welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the Easy and Transparent Trading consultation paper released by the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation.

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Coping With Bereavement In Older Age

Published 26 June 2018

Coping with bereavement in older age: How bereavement impacts the personal finances, health and social wellbeing of an individual.

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Submission to the Standing Committee on Economics inquiry into Financial and Tax Practices of For-Profit Aged Care Providers

Published 7 June 2018

CPSA is pleased to submit the following comments to assist the Standing Committees on Economics inquiry into the Financial and Tax Practices of For-Profit Aged Care Providers. CPSA’s submission will address tax avoidance and minimisation strategies, the associated impacts on the quality of service delivery, value for money for government and the adequacy of accountability and probity mechanisms for the expenditure of taxpayer money. [more]

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Are You Retired and Addicted To Term Deposits?

Published 1 June 2018

Do you think term deposits are 'no risk'? Do you think investing in shares is a casino? Do you think financial planners can't be trusted? Then this is something you should read.

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Submission to the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency on the Draft Guidance Aged Care Quality Standards

Published 31 May 2018

CPSA welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the draft guidance material for the new aged care quality standards. CPSA represents pensioners of all ages and low income retirees. As such, CPSA is interested in ensuring that the aged care system is able to deliver high quality, person centred care to all those who need it, regardless of their geographical location and their capacity to pay. [more]

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Review of Seclusion, Restraint and Observation of Consumers with a Mental Illness in NSW Health Facilities

Published 27 April 2018

CPSA's response to the review of seclusion, restraint and observation of consumers with a mental illness in NSW Health facilities.

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Submission to the Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sports Inquiry into the Quality of Care in Residential Aged Care Facilities in Australia

Published 27 April 2018

CPSA's response to the Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sports Inquiry into the Quality of Care in Residential Aged Care Facilities in Australia. More information can be found on the Parliament of Australia website, along with CPSA's submission. [more]

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Submission to the Aged Care Workforce Taskforce’s Aged Care Workforce Strategy

Published 27 April 2018

CPSA's response to the Aged Care Workforce Taskforce’s Aged Care Workforce Strategy.

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Submission to the Legislative Council Select Committee’s inquiry into Electricity Supply, Demand and Prices in New South Wales

Published 27 April 2018

CPSA's response to the Legislative Council Select Committee’s inquiry into Electricity Supply, Demand and Prices in New South Wales.

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Submission to Inquiry into the Fire and Emergency Services Levy

Published 27 April 2018

CPSA's response to the Portfolio Committee No.4 – Legal Affairs's inquiry into the fire and emergency services levy.

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Submission to Treasury’s Consultation Regulation Impact Statement on Paper Billing

Published 27 April 2018

CPSA's response to the Treasury’s Consultation Regulation Impact Statement on Paper Billing.

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Submission to Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal: Review of Rural and Regional Bus Fares from 1 January 2018

Published 27 April 2018

CPSA's response to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal's review of rural and regional bus fares from 1 January 2018.

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Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport’s Inquiry into the Need for Regulation of Mobility Scooters, also Known as Motorised Wheelchairs

Published 27 April 2018

CPSA's response to the Senate Standing Committee on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport’s inquiry into the need for regulation of mobility scooters, also known as motorised wheelchairs.

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Submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs: Inquiry into the Value and Affordability of Private Health Insurance and Out of Pocket Medical Cost

Published 16 November 2017

CPSA's response to the Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs' Inquiry into the value and affordability of private health insurance and out of pocket medical cost. More information about the inquiry can be found on the Parliament of Australia's website. [more]

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Submission to Australian Competition and Consumer Commission: Inquiry into Retail Electricity Prices and Supply

Published 6 September 2017

CPSA's response to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission inquiry into retail electricity prices and supply.

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Future Reform – an Integrated Care at Home Program to Support Older Australians: Response to the Department of Health Discussion Paper

Published 21 August 2017

CPSA's response to the Department of Health's discussion paper.

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Submission to the Senate Committee on Community Affairs – Effectiveness of the Aged Care Quality Assessment and Accreditation Framework

Published 18 August 2017

CPSA's response to the Senate Committee on Community Affairs inquiry into the effectiveness of the Aged Care Quality Assessment and accreditation framework for protecting residents from abuse and poor practices, and ensuring proper clinical and medical care standards are maintained and practiced. [more]

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Submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs Inquiry into the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Welfare Reform) Bill 2017

Published 4 August 2017

CPSA's response to the Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs Inquiry into the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Welfare Reform) Bill 2017.

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Submission to the Community Affairs Legislation Committee Inquiry into the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Ending Carbon Tax Compensation) Bill 2017

Published 14 July 2017

CPSA's response to the Community Affairs Legislation Comittee inquiry into the Social Services Legsilation Amendment Bill 2017.

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