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CPSA Publications

Public Dental Clinic Locations, Treatment and Assessment Waitlists

Published 13 June 2024

A list of the public dental clinic locations and waitlists for each Local Health District in NSW

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CPSA Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER): Issue paper – Review of the AER exemptions framework for embedded networks

Published 16 February 2024

CPSA has made a submission to the Australian Energy Regulator's review of the AER exemptions framework for embedded networks. Many customers in embedded networks pay higher costs for energy and other services, and have fewer protections. [more]

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Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Supermarket Prices

Published 7 February 2024

CPSA has made a submission to the Senate Select Committee on Supermarket Prices. Our submission made a range of recommendations relating to income security and the Government’s management of economic issues that can lead to higher supermarket prices. [more]

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Submission to IPART Draft Report: The Future of Embedded Networks in NSW

Published 23 January 2024

CPSA has made a submission to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal's (IPART) draft report on the future of embedded networks for electricity, gas, hot and cold water in New South Wales.

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Aged care funding

Published 15 September 2023

Submission to the Aged Care Taskforce’s consultation

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Foundations of the new Aged Care Act

Published 15 September 2023

Submission to the Department of Health

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Submission to IPART Review: The Future of Embedded Networks in NSW

Published 14 September 2023

CPSA has made a submission to the IPART review into embedded networks for electricity, gas and water.Currently, there is scope for opportunistic parties to create private utility networks that are exploitative and provide limited value to consumers. [more]

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Select Committee Inquiry: Provision of and Access to Dental Services in Australia

Published 28 June 2023

CPSA has made a submission to the inquiry outlining many of the issues members have raised with us after trying to access dental care.

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$45 gift card for participation in health focus group

Published 20 June 2023

Dr Kristiana Ludlow at the University of Queensland is developing online education courses doctors, nurses, physiotherapists etc with the aim of increasing their understanding of patient frailty in hospitals.

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Letter from Aged Care Minister re position of CHSP providers in lead-up to new home care program

Published 1 June 2023

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Submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport’s Inquiry into Bank Closures in Regional Australia

Published 2 May 2023

Banking is an essential services for all Australians but is becoming increasingly difficult to access face-to-face. This is especially concerning for those unable to use online banking for any reason from having poor internet access to preferring to use physical payment for security reasons. [more]

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2023-24 Pre-Budget Submission

Published 2 May 2023

CPSA's main ask for the 2023-24 Budget is to ensure Centrelink payments are adequate and provide an acceptable standard of living. This includes reviewing and increasing all income support payments, more frequent indexation in times of high inflation, and an increase to Commonwealth Rent Assistance to ensure it better aligns with real housing costs. [more]

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Submission to the Senate Select Committee on the Cost of Living

Published 3 April 2023

The cost-of-living has grown at record rates over the last year placing financial pressure on all Australian households. This is especially felt by low income households and more needs to be done to ensure they are not forced to make impossible choices between essentials. [more]

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Submission to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee Inquiry into the extent and nature of poverty in Australia

Published 3 April 2023

Poverty rates are rapidly rising and existing interventions fail to ensure everyone has an acceptable standard of living. More needs to be done to reduce poverty and ensure everyone has access to vital services such as housing, healthcare and employment. [more]

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Submission to NSW Legislative Council: Inquiry into the Property Tax (First home Buyers Choice) Bill 2022

Published 30 October 2022

Submission to the NSW Legislative Council's Portfolio Committee No. 1 – Premier and FinanceInquiry into the Property Tax (First home Buyers Choice) Bill 2022

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Report on Housing Insecurity and Older People in NSW

Published 21 September 2022

CPSA's report on housing insecurity and older people in NSW, updated with recent changes to housing legislation. Repealed legislation will remain in the text for historical reference, they will be clearly labelled.

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Submission to the NSW Legislative Council’s Standing Committee on Social Issues’ Inquiry into Homelessness Amongst Older People Aged Over 55 in New South Wales

Published 14 July 2022

The right to appropriate housing is a fundamental human right. The fact that an increasing number of older people NSW wide are finding themselves without access to a secure home is unacceptable and urgently needs to be addressed. Without housing, people are unable to access other vital services such as healthcare or to meaningfully connect with and contribute to communities. [more]

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Submission to the Regional Banking Taskforce Issues Paper

Published 6 December 2021

Banking services are an absolutely essential service, and the closure of bank branches directly impacts people’s ability to access this service. There is a cohort of people who will never be able to use internet banking services for a range of reasons. [more]

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Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator Developing the Better Bills Guideline

Published 6 September 2021

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator Developing the Better Bills Guideline

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Submission Federal Treasury Retirement Income Covenant

Published 6 August 2021

As the position paper on the Retirement Income Covenant notes, the recent Retirement Income Review suggested that the retirement income system providing income in retirement is the fundamental role of compulsory superannuation, but that 30 years since its introduction “the retirement phase of superannuation remains under-developed”. [more]

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