CPSA News - Page 37

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EnableNSW and Home Care Packages

Published 26 July 2018

People over 65 who have a disability are excluded from EnableNSW, NSW's disability aids and equipment scheme.

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Private Health Insurance is Unwell

Published 25 July 2018

If you are one of the lucky ones who can still afford private health insurance, you may have found that your policy didn't quite cover what you thought it covered.

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HbA1c Everybody!

Published 25 July 2018

If you don't know what the HbA1c test is, read on!

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Are Nursing Homes Disappearing?

Published 24 July 2018

Something curious is happening in residential aged care.In 2015, the total number of nursing home places was 192,370. The next year that number rose 1.7 per cent to 234,931, in 2017 it rose 2.5 per cent to 239,379.

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Some Nursing Homes are Disappearing!

Published 24 July 2018

In January of this year, the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency closed down The Ritz nursing home in Leura (NSW). It failed 30 out of 44 criteria.

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Unannounced Audits

Published 23 July 2018

One of the Government responses to the Oakden nursing home scandal was to make all aged care audits unannounced.

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Aged Care Workforce Inquiry: Government Response

Published 21 July 2018

On 26 June, the Australian Government responded to the recommendations of the Senate inquiry Future of Australia's aged care sector workforce.

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Zip Up Your Pockets: Australian Specialists Can Charge Whatever They Want

Published 28 June 2018

Whilst private health insurance often cops the blame for ludicrous out-of-pocket-costs, there is another factor at play – doctors' fees.

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The Pension Loans Scheme and Aged Care Fees

Published 27 June 2018

Did you know that if you use the Australian Government's Pension Loans Scheme to supplement your retirement income your aged care may cost more?

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Cuts to the National Home Doctor Service

Published 26 June 2018

The Medicare funded after hours home doctor service is under threat.

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Dementia in the Spotlight

Published 24 June 2018

A series of Australian projects are underway to combat the growing rates of dementia accompanying an ageing population.

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Aged Care: It’s Time for a Royal Commission

Published 22 June 2018

It's time for a royal commission when nursing homes think reporting serious incidents of assaults, cruelty and neglect is too much effort.

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NSW NDIS Funding

Published 21 June 2018

The NSW Premier and the Prime Minister have reached a funding agreement to ensure the full rollout of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in NSW.

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My Health Record: How to Opt-Out

Published 20 June 2018

By December 2018 every Australian will have a My Health Record, unless they opt-out.

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Spot the difference: Retirement Village or Nursing Home?

Published 30 May 2018

The lines between retirement villages and nursing homes are blurring as retirement village operators are seizing the opportunity to become home care providers.

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Government Takes a Jab at Aged Care:

Published 29 May 2018

The Federal Government has mandated all aged care providers to offer workers the flu vaccine. It is not mandatory, however, for staff to accept the offer of the vaccine.

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New Aged Care Quality Commission

Published 28 May 2018

The Government has announced the creation of a new Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, which will replace the Aged Care Quality Agency (which audits nursing homes) and the office of the Aged Care Complaints Commissioner.

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Aged Care Puts Profits Before People

Published 28 May 2018

Australia's largest for-profit aged care providers are receiving billions in public money and are paying minimal tax, but cry poor at any mention of mandating staff-to-resident ratios. Something doesn't add up.

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Budget 2018: The Federal Budget at a Glance

Published 27 May 2018

The Australian Government has tried to frame this as a 'Budget for older Australians', but with only minor changes to aged care, the Pension Loans Scheme, Work Bonus, super and elder abuse initiatives it does not live up to the hype. [more]

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Funding Boost to Centrelink: the Good the Bad and the Ugly

Published 27 May 2018

Will the Government's strategy of outsourcing Centrelink call centre staff to a private company bring an end to the wait time woes?

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