THE VOICE Articles and Media Releases - Page 33

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Is the Pharmacy Guild protecting you or itself?

Published 23 August 2019

Pharmacies are among the best protected small businesses in Australia. The Pharmacy Guild wants you to believe that that is for your own good. But is it?

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Poverty waits for no one, not even inquisitive senators

Published 23 August 2019

It may be the best our federal Parliament can do right now, but people on Newstart deserve better than a Senate inquiry which is to report sometime next year.

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Who let public housing down?

Published 23 August 2019

OVER the last decade State and Territory Governments have allowed for over 20,000 public housing dwellings to be lost. In order to pick up the slack, non-profit providers have increased the amount of homes they operate but it is not keeping pace with demand. [more]

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Downsizing? Here’s how to dodge dodgy apartment buildings

Published 23 August 2019

Downsizing into an apartment may be an attractive idea, but how do you find an apartment building without significant defects? A few tips to avoid the worst disasters.

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Rogue Bupa Eden nursing home in 11th hour escape

Published 19 August 2019

Who needs action movies, when Australian residential aged care offers cliff hangers like this: Bupa is reaccredited hours before it was to lose its accreditation!

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Bupa Eden nursing home goes rogue

Published 16 August 2019

The official accreditation of the Bupa Eden nursing home expires on 16 August 2019, with Bupa Eden set to continue operations without regulatory oversight.

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Memo to Craig Kelly MP: Pensioner family home is already asset tested

Published 24 July 2019

It seems to be a little known fact, but the family home is already included in pension means testing.

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Earle Haven and Bupa Eden: Australia’s first two rogue nursing homes

Published 22 July 2019

No clearer case and example of profit-over-people was on display in Queensland this July, where 70 nursing home residents were simply abandoned in their beds and wheelchairs over a commercial dispute between a principal and subcontractor. [more]

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Warning, Danger, Flashing Lights: avoid DomaCom equity release!

Published 22 July 2019

Home equity release is a polite term for hocking your house. Now there's a new way of paying home equity release providers even more for the privilege of taking over your house before you have died.

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Australia’s first Ageing and Disability Commissioner

Published 22 July 2019

NSW is the first jurisdiction in which an Office of Ageing and Disability Commissioner has been established. Other states and territories would do well to follow NSW’s lead.

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Will new rules keep energy retailers in line?

Published 22 July 2019

Energy companies, once the stodgiest but most reliable companies in Australia, joined the ranks of corporate spivs and rip-off merchants some years ago. Will the latest initiative by the ACCC reign them in?

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Are you embedded electricity-wise?

Published 22 July 2019

An embedded supply system sounds kind of exciting, but it's only water, gas and electricity we're talking about. How exciting or otherwise are embedded systems?

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Here’s how to self-manage your externally self-managed super

Published 22 July 2019

Self-managed super has flourished as a result of action taken by millions of Australians who were determined not to be ripped off by the financial sector. But how badly do people really want to self-manage their super? Are they now being ripped off by accountants, auditors and unsavoury financial planners? Enter industry fund HostPlus. [more]

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Raise the rate of Newstart: 185,000 over-55s are on it

Published 22 July 2019

Pensioners have one simple message to their federal politicians: raise the rate of Newstart, because it’s too low for everyone, including 185,000 Australians over-55, many of whom will never be able find work again.

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Publish nursing home staffing ratios, pensioners say

Published 22 July 2019

Pensioners are calling on Federal MPs and Senators to support the Private Member’s Bill to be introduced into Federal Parliament today by South Australian Independent Rebekha Sharkie. The Bill makes it compulsory for nursing homes to publicly disclose their staffing ratios. [more]

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Beware of Government’s questionable deeming calculations

Published 14 July 2019

The reductions in the deeming rates are obviously going to produce better outcomes for affected pensioners, but over-deeming will still be rife.

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Queensland nursing home residents abandoned in act of extreme elder abuse: Disqualify People Care Ltd, pensioners say

Published 12 July 2019

Queensland nursing home residents abandoned in act of extreme elder abuse: Disqualify People Care Ltd, pensioners say

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Find your rebates and discounts!

Published 26 June 2019

THE NSW Government is now helping you find rebates and savings that are relevant to you. Service NSW has rolled out its Cost of Living service, which can identify which of the 70 rebates and savings you are eligible for.

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Save on energy with NSW Energy Switch

Published 26 June 2019

ENERGY Switch is a free Service NSW online tool that allows you to compare the electricity and gas plans of all NSW household electricity providers, and switch effortlessly to a different plan if you want to.

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Bupa Traralgon Class Action

Published 26 June 2019

BUPA aged care is in trouble. Eleven out of 76 are currently the subject of compliance action and a further 19 have been the subject of compliance action in recent times.

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