THE VOICE Articles and Media Releases - Page 10

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Power bills on the rise again

Published 16 March 2023

Bad news from the Australian Energy Regulator could see your power bills rise as much as 23.7 per cent in the 2023-24 financial year.

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How Mr Hardiman quitting his job affects deeming rates: FOI

Published 15 March 2023

Freedom of Information (FOI) has been in successive federal government's sights, and the Canberra bureaucracy needs no encouragement to knock back FOI applications. It hates transparency, even when it comes to something as deeming rates. [more]

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In Home Aged Care: stuff you need

Published 12 March 2023

The start of the new In Home Aged Care program (IHAC) is planned for 1 July 2024.  One part of the new program will be a different way of funding goods, equipment, assistive technology and home modifications.

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In Home Aged Care: the new equipment scheme

Published 10 March 2023

With less than sixteen months to go until 1 July 2024, when the new home care program will begin, there is a lack of information about even the basic design of the new goods, equipment, assistive technology and home modification scheme. [more]

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Renters are feeling the heat

Published 9 March 2023

As a heatwave hits NSW, renters in poorly insulated homes are facing unbearably high indoor temperatures.

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High mortgage rates, low term deposit rates: banks investigated

Published 7 March 2023

The Reserve Bank has increased the cash rate again. Two more rate hikes are expected. Mortgage rates seem to be going up automatically, but deposit rates ..., now that's another story. [more]

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Make NSW Regional Seniors Travel Card permanent, say pensioners to Govt , Opposition

Published 3 March 2023

CPSA calls on the NSW Government and the NSW Opposition to commit to making the NSW Regional Seniors Travel Card permanent.

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Getting ready for IHAC, the In Home Aged Care program

Published 3 March 2023

Postponed again and again, it looks as though a new home care program will start on 1 July next year. Here's the first in a series of posts outlining what the scheme will most likely look like and what its challenges will be.

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Millionaires, superannuation and the pension: next federal election

Published 3 March 2023

The $3 million super cap is being attacked because ... it affects people! Ever seen a tax measure that doesn't?

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IHAC is coming: In Home Aged Care

Published 1 March 2023

1 JULY 2024 just might be the day the much-delayed integration of the Commonwealth Home Support Program, the Home Care Packages Program and the Short Term Restorative Care Program takes effect. This is the first in series of twenty posts on what the new In Home Aged Care Program will and might look like. [more]

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Energy bill cuts for retirement villages, manufactured home parks: embedded networks

Published 1 March 2023

The announcement of the NSW Government's Embedded Network Action Plan could see bills get slashed for up to 150,000 customers in embedded networks.

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People with disability over 65 are fighting back

Published 26 February 2023

A class action lawsuit for people with a disability who are over 65 and unable to access the NDIS is getting ready to launch.

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Reserve Bank is putting paid to cheques

Published 24 February 2023

Cheques are increasingly no longer in the mail, but for the Reserve Bank of Australia it's not going fast enough.

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The objective of the objective of superannuation

Published 22 February 2023

Compulsory superannuation has been around for just over thirty years without an explicit objective enshrined in legislation. The Government wants one, and it's not just a nice-to-have.

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Bad news for older people at risk of homelessness

Published 20 February 2023

The NSW government has responded to the report from last years inquiry into homelessness amongst older people. But their response leaves a lot to be desired.

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Is a Medicare shake-up coming?

Published 17 February 2023

The Strengthening Medicare Taskforce has released their report with recommendations for the future of Medicare. What changes might be on their way?

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Are big changes for online services on the horizon?

Published 15 February 2023

Protecting yourself online can feel a bit like the wild west, but an ongoing inquiry from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is aiming to change that.

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Older and want to live longer? Just drink more water!

Published 13 February 2023

According to a recent study, reducing your risk of disease and increasing your lifespan could be as easy as staying hydrated.

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The myth of cheaper self-managed home care

Published 10 February 2023

Anyone with a Home Care Package has likely faced ridiculously high management fees from providers. Can this be avoided by managing your own care?

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NSW Labor’s affordable housing policy is out

Published 8 February 2023

NSW Labor has released their policy on affordable housing. It's a step in the right direction but leaves a lot to be desired for those waiting for social housing.

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