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Retirement Villages and Aged Care

Published 22 November 2018

Retirement villages are very suitable places for people to receive aged care at home, because a village concentrates care recipients in an area and care workers don’t have to spend hours in traffic to move from one to another.

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Robots, Apps and Aged Care

Published 22 November 2018

OFTEN when aged care providers talk about the use of digital technology and automation, what they are really talking about is reducing operational costs.

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Lack of Public Trust in Aged Care

Published 22 November 2018

THERE is a crisis of public confidence in aged care, and for a good reason.

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Energy Update

Published 22 November 2018

If you haven't switched energy deals in the last year or two, there's a chance you're on one of the highest priced deals in the market, called a standing offer.

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Consumer Affairs Ministers No-no No-Paper-Bill-Fees

Published 22 November 2018

THE VOICE is finally able to give an update on the issue of fees for paper bills. On 26 October 2018, after many delays, a decision was made by the Consumer Affairs Ministers at their Forum.

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My Health Record Changes

Published 22 November 2018

Two My Health Record changes have been proposed by the Australian Government to make My Health Record acceptable to people concerned about their private medical information.

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Fees for Paper Bills Fiasco

Published 12 November 2018

“The decision by Australian federal and state and territory Ministers for Consumer Affairs to ‘encourage businesses not to charge vulnerable or disadvantaged consumers to receive paper bills’ is a classic example of a do-nothing policy”, said CPSA Policy Coordinator Paul Versteege. [more]

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Aged Care Apathy and Ignorance Rife

Published 18 October 2018

New research by National Seniors confirms that most people don’t start thinking about aged care until their need or the need of a relative or friend becomes critical.

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Five Billion Reasons for Mandated Staff Ratios

Published 18 October 2018

The Australian Medical Association (AMA) has joined the mandatory-staff-to-residents-ratio camp.

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76% on Wrong Home Care Package

Published 18 October 2018

After all the excitement of a Royal Commission into Aged Care being announced, the spotlight seems to be on nursing homes, but the entire aged care system, including community aged care, is in crisis.

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Aged Care Sector Makes Clean-ish Breast of It

Published 18 October 2018

A ONE-PAGE Department of Health statistical report on aged care was leaked to a journalist at the Courier-Mail. This report contained some astonishing statistics, which show how bad things actually are in residential aged care, but which also show that when the Australian Aged Care Accreditation Agency and the Complaints Commissioner went looking, they found a lot more than they had in previous years. [more]

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What the Aged Care Royal Commission Will Do: In Plain English

Published 18 October 2018

The terms of reference for the Royal Commission into Aged Care are broad and fair. The Royal Commission can investigate anything it wants.

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Super Contribution Exemption

Published 18 October 2018

The Federal Treasury is working on regulations that provide a one-year exemption from the work test for superannuation contributions to allow recent retirees to boost their superannuation balances.

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Report on the Need for Regulation of Mobility Scooters Released

Published 18 October 2018

The Senate inquiry into the need for regulation of mobility scooters, also known as motorised wheelchairs, released its final report on 20 September 2018.

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Change to MRI Referrals by GPs

Published 18 October 2018

From 1 November 2018, GPs will no longer be able to make referrals for knee-MRIs for patients 50-and-older. Instead, the GP must refer patients to a specialist, who is then able to make the referral if they think it is necessary.

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Knee MRI referrals by GPs should stay: pensioners

Published 17 October 2018

“Cancellation of MRI referrals by GPs for patients 50-and-older from 1 November 2018 is age discriminatory”, said CPSA Policy Manager Paul Versteege.

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Mandatory Reporting on Staffing Ratios

Published 26 September 2018

Rebekha Sharkie MP from the Centre Alliance Party has introduced legislation into the federal Parliament to force nursing homes to publish how many staff are rostered on at any point.

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Aged Care post-ABC4Corners: Action now, Royal Commission later!

Published 24 September 2018

“Monday night’s second ABC 4Corners program on aged care has shown in detail just how bad things are in Australia’s nursing homes. CPSA has said it many times: nursing homes are dangerous places and unsuitable for purpose”, said CPSA Policy Coordinator Paul Versteege. [more]

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Hearing Impaired Robbed of Smoke Alarm Subsidy

Published 20 September 2018

There is a glaring gap for people with hearing impairment over 65 trying to access smoke alarms.

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Aged Care Royal Commission: A Business Improvement Initiative?

Published 20 September 2018

On Sunday 16 September 2018, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced a Royal Commission into aged care, but you wonder why.

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