Submission to the NSW Legislative Council’s Standing Committee on Social Issues’ Inquiry into Homelessness Amongst Older People Aged Over 55 in New South Wales

Published 14 July 2022

Submission to the NSW Legislative Council’s Standing Committee on Social Issues’ Inquiry into Homelessness Amongst Older People Aged Over 55 in New South Wales

The right to appropriate housing is a fundamental human right. The fact that an increasing number of older people NSW wide are finding themselves without access to a secure home is unacceptable and urgently needs to be addressed. Without housing, people are unable to access other vital services such as healthcare or to meaningfully connect with and contribute to communities.Note of clarification: In recommendation 8 'Home at Last' refers to Housing for the Aged Action Group's program in Victoria that offers community education, assessments, tenancy and housing advice using a no-wrong-door approach that refers people to other relevant services rather than turning them away without help. In recommendation 11 'housing first approach' refers to prioritising safe, permanent housing as a first intervention rather than requiring people to engage with support services prior to being provided with housing.

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