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A new kid on the cholesterol block

Published 2 June 2023

Cholesterol is a major factor in heart disease. It now appears that even a strict diet won't help if genetics are stacked against you.

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By how much is your power bill going down?

Published 31 May 2023

If federal Treasury modelling is right, the Energy Bill Relief Fund is going to make a real difference for low-income households.

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Home Care Package funding goes up 12%

Published 29 May 2023

A huge pay rise for care workers is funded by the federal Government but make sure your service levels aren't reduced.

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Is both-eyes-same-day cataract surgery coming to Australia?

Published 26 May 2023

Cataract surgery on both eyes is usually done one-eye-at-a-time but it is much cheaper to do both eyes at the same time. Is it safe?

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What’s the role of triple zero in aged care?

Published 24 May 2023

The use of a taser on a resident led to widespread condemnation, but what was police doing in a nursing home? How often are they called out?

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Why a Victorian bank came to NSW and why it is now leaving

Published 22 May 2023

Bank branches were once a major bank asset for banks. Bendigo Bank used them to become big, but now they're being discarded.

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As a couple, are you prepared for the death of who dies first?

Published 18 May 2023

Older couples are well-advised to think ahead and get their affairs in order for the day when one partner passes on.

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Australia to appoint federal anti-scam cop in two years’ time

Published 17 May 2023

Scams and scam texts, emails and calls are the blight of being online and connected. The federal Government is acting, but it will take time.

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Is COVID over or is the world over COVID?

Published 15 May 2023

The World Health Organisation says the COVID-19 pandemic is over and that COVID is now a killer, like influenza. Caution is still needed.

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The new home care program is delayed by another year

Published 12 May 2023

Home Care will continue as is until 30 June 2025 after reform got delayed by yet another year. Here's why and what will happen next.

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Budget of compassion is only halfway there

Published 10 May 2023

Budgets are always disappointing to many and satisfying to few. This Budget tries very hard but as the song goes, we're only halfway there.

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What we know about the Budget so far

Published 8 May 2023

Budget 2023 will be released tomorrow. What will be in it for older Australians? Here's what we know so far.

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Can you choose not to pay for your Home Care Package?

Published 5 May 2023

Every provider can charge the Basic Daily Care Fee but many don't. Why is this so, and can you choose not to pay it if it is charged.

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Is your next home address going to be in an office tower?

Published 28 April 2023

With a housing and rental crisis raging in Australia, thoughts are turning to office-to-apartment conversions while workers resist going back to the office full-time. Is it the solution?

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Things you didn’t know about the $250,000 bank guarantee

Published 28 April 2023

The $250,000 bank guarantee is not as straightforward as you might think. It may literally pay to check out the detail as it applies to you.

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Australia lags developed world on heart disease scanning

Published 26 April 2023

CT scanning must become the norm in the fight against heart disease. Two things need to happen: a guideline change and a Medicare change.

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How the home care waiting list will disappear on 1 July 2024

Published 21 April 2023

HCPP has a waiting list, the CHSP doesn't, but merging the two will not mean there will be a combined waiting list.

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The pre-Budget 2023 media circus begins

Published 21 April 2023

Deeming rates, super, cost-of-living and more: what can older Australians expect from the federal Budget on 9 May?

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Online bank runs make mockery of $250,000 deposit guarantee

Published 19 April 2023

The digital world brings us digital bank runs, fast and furious, and requiring more than a $250,000 deposit guarantee.

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800,000 people to pay a lot more for home care from 1 July 2024

Published 17 April 2023

From 1 July 2024, the new home care scheme will dramatically increase personal contributions for 800,000 people on cheaper home care now.

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