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Wage theft: it’ll be Mayday, Mayday! until payday super

Published 23 October 2023

Each year employers pocket billions which should have gone into their workers' super funds. Payday super reform will not arrive until 2026.

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Apartment living: the 75% Rule not working one-hundred per cent

Published 23 October 2023

The 75% rule can shatter your apartment living dream: your home can be sold from under you. It's not working well now but reform is under way.

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The cashless economy is history

Published 20 October 2023

The cashless economy is NOT coming, repeat: not coming. It's here and will get bigger and bigger, but ... cash is here to stay.

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Beat the heat: Why heatwaves are risky and how to prepare

Published 18 October 2023

Australia is in for a catastrophically hot summer. For older people, this brings a whole host of concerns that it is important to prepare for.

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Food supplements: joint pain relief comes with liver risk

Published 16 October 2023

Food supplements are a thriving industry but beware of the side effects, which can be as serious as hepatitis for turmeric-based supplements.

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Cryptocurrencies: sure you don’t want your pension paid in Bitcoin?

Published 13 October 2023

It gets a bad wrap but Bitcoin turns out to be a relatively stable store of wealth and very useful to people who hold it.

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New shingles vaccine offers better protection to more people

Published 11 October 2023

From next month there will be a new shingles vaccine available under the National Immunisation Program. It will be free to all people over 65 and can be given to people who are immunocompromised.

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The problem with downsizing incentives

Published 9 October 2023

It sounds so simple, downsizing. Attractive, too, now that everyone from 55 up can put $300K into their super. But is it simple?

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Bushfire season: How to plan and prepare

Published 6 October 2023

With fires already burning across the country, including out-of-control blazes in NSW’s south-east, it seems likely that we are in for a catastrophically hot summer. For older people, this brings a whole host of risks that it is important to prepare for. [more]

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Nursing home bond or daily accommodation charges?

Published 4 October 2023

It is one of the most asked questions, and a question most people entering residential aged care can't avoid.

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Work Bonus increase: when permanent can be temporary

Published 29 September 2023

How much is the new revamped Work Bonus worth per year: $11,800 or $7,800 or something else? The answer will surprise you.

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Are you ready for the end of 3G? It might be more important than you think

Published 27 September 2023

The 3G network will be turned off in 2024 and many devices may no longer work. This doesn’t just include mobile phones, but also some medical devices and home appliances. Do you know how this will affect you?

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Who is afraid of people with dementia?

Published 25 September 2023

The vast majority of people living with dementia live in the community, but it can be hard going because of poor community responses to dementia.

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Is Bigpond closing? Not yet, but it might be time to look at other options

Published 22 September 2023

TPG shut down their email service this month, Telstra’s Bigpond might not be far behind. What if you’re just sick of Telstra? Here's some other options.

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NSW Budget: rebates up – Regional Seniors Travel Card axed

Published 20 September 2023

The NSW Budget delivered higher energy rebates, some social housing but also got rid of the Regional Seniors Travel Card.

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Atrial fibrillation: save your life, why don’t you!

Published 18 September 2023

Atrial fibrillation is a little-known troublemaker. If you don't know what it is, read about what it is and what you can do about it.

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Older driver testing holy grail: has it been found?

Published 15 September 2023

The holy grail of older driver testing has been waiting to be found by a road safety Sir Galahad for a long time, but do we really need it?

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COVID-19: Forget Omicron, Pirola is here!

Published 13 September 2023

While much of the world goes about its business and worries about other things, COVID-19 merrily mutates away.

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Baby boomer broken hips fixed sooner

Published 11 September 2023

Breaking a hip happens to a lot of older people. The sooner it's fixed the better they'll walk, but standards were...slipping.

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Aged Care Royal Commission: Govt junks key recommendations

Published 8 September 2023

A new Aged Care Act would have new things in it, wouldn't it? Enter the Government junking key Aged Care Royal Commission recommendations.

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