CPSA News - Page 40

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From Welfare to Bad

Published 26 January 2018

What's in store for pensioners if the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Welfare Reform) Bill 2017 passes the Senate?

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Fire Levy Revisited

Published 25 January 2018

Tax experts agree that taxing land is a great way of raising tax, because land can't go anywhere. You can't put a block of land in a numbered Swiss bank account.

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Beating Term Deposits to the End

Published 23 January 2018

The Global Financial Crisis, which started in October 2007, was the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

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Centrelink Scam

Published 23 January 2018

Centrelink is warning about a 'subsidy benefit' scam email, which has been sent to people. The email looks as though it originates from Centrelink. It doesn't.

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Shellharbour Hospital Will Remain in Public Hands

Published 17 November 2017

The NSW Government has axed its plan to privatise Shellharbour hospital, following a long and fierce community campaign with South Coast CPSA branches and members prominently involved.

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Oakden Aged Care Review: Govt “Relentless” in Doing Very Little

Published 17 November 2017

Horrific abuse and neglect at the Oakden aged care facility in Adelaide prompted the Federal Minister for Aged Care to call for a review. On 25 October 2017, the minister released the report of the Review of National Aged Care Quality Regulatory Processes. [more]

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Welfare Reform Update

Published 21 October 2017

The controversial Welfare Reform Bill is before the Senate and parliamentarians are gearing up to debate.

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