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Aged Care Professionals Moonlight as Assessors

Published 20 March 2018

Courier Mail recently reported that over half of aged care assessors have ties to the nursing home industry. These conflict of interest allegations are yet to be denied.

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The Energy Supplement Saga

Published 19 March 2018

Word on the street is that the Australian Government is dumping plans to axe the Energy Supplement for new income payment recipients.

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Dividends, Tax Credits and Pensioners

Published 19 March 2018

Although dividend imputation reform proposed by the Opposition would mostly affect the wealthy, pensioners with small franked-dividend-paying shareholdings could also lose a significant amount of their income.

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Inflation and Pension Indexation

Published 28 February 2018

The Age Pension indexation involves a couple of different metrics and for good reason. They are not reliable enough on their own.

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Why Pay Rises Matter to You

Published 28 February 2018

The current debate about wages growth may not seem to be that relevant to pensioners personally but it is worth paying attentio

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Aged Care Waiting Lists

Published 28 February 2018

Late last year the Department of Health published the waiting list for Home Care Packages (HCP). As at 30 September 2017, there were 101,508 people waiting for an HCP. Of those people 40,806 had an HCP but not at the level they required. [more]

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Mind the Gaps

Published 27 February 2018

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is one of the biggest social reforms in recent decades. But as the roll out of this landmark reform nears completion, gaps are emerging.

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The Public Dental Debacle

Published 27 February 2018

It is no secret that dental care is one of the greatest areas of health inequality within Australia. Public dental care is woefully underfunded and private dental is unaffordable for most people living on low fixed incomes.

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Hospital Privatisations: Dead and Buried

Published 27 February 2018

Cast your mind back to September 2016, when the NSW Minister for Health announced plans to privatise five major hospitals, including Wyong, Goulbourn, Shellharbour, Bowral and Maitland. Since then, following community backlash, the NSW Government has decided to back down on its project to sell off regional hospitals. [more]

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NSW Health Care Too Costly for Some

Published 26 February 2018

In a recent survey comparing health care for older patients in eleven countries around the world, NSW has been ranked worst for affordability.

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The Mobility Scooter Inquiry

Published 25 February 2018

The Federal inquiry into 'The need for regulation of mobility scooters, also known as motorised wheelchairs' is accepting submissions until 13 March 2018.

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My Health Record Expansion

Published 25 February 2018

The Australian Government is expanding the My Health Record system. Over the next two years $374.2 million will be invested to expand the system.

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The Energy Supplement Remains Under Fire

Published 24 February 2018

The end of the Energy Supplement for many seems to be near, with the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Ending Carbon Tax Compensation) Bill 2017 being considered again in the Senate.

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Self-Managed Super Continues to Perform

Published 23 February 2018

The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has released its latest statistics on the self-managed super fund (SMSF) sector.

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Financial Advisers

Published 22 February 2018

Some conflicts of interest which financial planners had have been addressed in regulation, but one remains.

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Employer Super Fraud Curbed

Published 22 February 2018

Under proposed new laws, employers who fail to follow the Tax Office's direction to pay super entitlements to their employees will be subject to court-ordered financial penalties as well as up to 12 months' imprisonment.

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Downsizing House, Upsizing Super

Published 30 January 2018

From 1 July 2018, if you are 65 or over, and you are downsizing, the Government has created a new tax break for you.

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The One Aged Care Inquiry That’s Missing

Published 29 January 2018

There have been no less than six inquiries into aged care recently and an additional one hasn't yet finished. But to hold an inquiry is one thing, responding to it is quite another.

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Victorian Voluntary Euthanasia Bill is Passed

Published 28 January 2018

Late November 2017, Victoria became the first and only state in the country with a euthanasia scheme.

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Nursing Home Closure

Published 28 January 2018

The Ritz Nursing Home in Leura, a locked facility for 148 high-care residents, is one of the very few nursing homes ever to be closed by the Australian Government.

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