Pension news: older Aussies on Newstart once again the losers
Published 19 March 2019
AS a result of indexation, pension payments including the Age Pension, the Disability Support Pension and the Carer Payment have increased by $9.90 a fortnight to $926.20 for singles, and by $14.80 a fortnight to $1,396.20 for couples. [more]
Ring, ring, why don’t you give me a call?
Published 19 March 2019
EVERYBODY remembers the old ABBA song asking that question and THE VOICE can finally reveal why that call is not being made now that your home phone is going through the NBN.
Generic medications shortage
Published 19 March 2019
HAVE you been to the chemist lately and been told that your usual generic, cheaper prescriptions are not available and that you will need to shell out for brand prescriptions?
Palliative care boost for NSW
Published 19 March 2019
THE National Palliative Care Strategy 2018 has been launched for implementation over a five-year period. All Australian Health Ministers have signed the Strategy, but how worthwhile is it.
Hospital waiting lists not getting better
Published 19 March 2019
ACCORDING to an annual report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, in 2017–18 about 874,000 patients joined the public hospital elective surgery waiting lists. This was just under one per cent higher than the previous year, which doesn't sound like much but which masks some pretty horrible facts. [more]
Aged care planning gone mad
Published 19 March 2019
There are just over 207,000 nursing home places in Australia, but only 187,000 of those places are filled, 20,000 are vacant. The nursing home occupancy rate is in free-fall. It’s just over 90 per cent when it used to be 98 per cent. [more]
Quality indicators: the future of aged care if done well
Published 19 March 2019
FROM 1 July 2019 reporting of clinical quality indicators for all Australian Government subsidised residential aged care providers will be mandatory. Mandatory is the important word, because generally speaking aged care providers do nothing on a voluntary basis. [more]
Older people living well with in-home support, or not so well?
Published 19 March 2019
A REPORT called Older people living well with in-home support tells the stories of forty people who receive aged care at home. The Report was prepared by consultancy Research Matters through an Australian Government grant. While most of the people taking part in the study acknowledged that without in-home support they would not be able to continue living at home, or only with the greatest difficulty, their comments demonstrated that in-home support as a care system needs a lot of work. [more]
Private renters in crisis
Published 19 March 2019
THERE are more than 307,000 Age Pensioners in Australia who rent privately and receive Commonwealth Rent Assistance. More than a third of those (104,000) live in NSW, where they are five per cent of the two million or so private renters. [more]
CPSA’s evidence to the Aged Care Royal Commission
Published 28 February 2019
ON 12 February, CPSA gave evidence at the Aged Care Royal Commission for which it had called. Here are some of the main points canvassed during the examination. CPSA's witness statement and a transcript of CPSA's evidence are published on the Royal Commission's website. [more]
10,000 places but still no plan
Published 28 February 2019
ALTHOUGH there’s still no plan on how to fix the shocking shortage of aged care places, the Australian Government has thrown an additional $662 million at both residential aged care and the Home Care Packages program.
Banking Royal Commission: a disappointment after all
Published 28 February 2019
IT is ironic that the first consequence to flow from the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry was a massive financial services profit estimated at $22 million amid speculations about insider trading. [more]
Deeming rates and the veil of secrecy
Published 28 February 2019
IT is fairly straightforward to calculate your pension payment on the basis of what other income you have and how much you own in assets, but one thing remains shrouded in secrecy: the deeming rates used to calculate the imaginary money you earn on financial assets. [more]
No Australian Left Offline: ACCAN pushes for affordable broadband
Published 28 February 2019
THE price of communications is an ongoing stress for many older Australians. With broadband now an almost essential service to stay connected, it’s important that there is no Australian left offline because they can’t afford a service. [more]
CPSA’s 2019 Federal Budget Priorities
Published 28 February 2019
CPSA has set out its 2019 federal budget priorities in the areas of aged care, social service and health. These themes have been covered many times in THE VOICE so here is a bite-size version of CPSA’s submission.
NSW State Election 23 March 2019
Published 28 February 2019
THIS month New South Wales will hold a general parliamentary election. CPSA’s top-two issues are accessibility of train stations and social and affordable housing.
Griffith CPSA Wins Campaign for Mid-Week Train Service
Published 1 February 2019
FOR years, Griffith CPSA Branch had been campaigning relentlessly for the midweek Sydney to Griffith train service to be re-instated. Now it has finally paid off with a second service to start soon.
NSW Ageing and Disability Commissioner is welcome move
Published 1 February 2019
THE NSW Government has announced that an independent Ageing and Disability Commissioner will be established in NSW to investigate the abuse of older people, and adults with a disability “in home and community settings”.
Age Pension becoming cheaper and cheaper
Published 1 February 2019
The Age Pension is actually starting to cost the Australian Government less. The Government acknowledges this is due to two factors. First, the pension age has gone up from 65 to 66 and will land at 67. Second, we are now beginning to see superannuation savings beginning to kick in. [more]
Pension Loans Scheme to be extended: beware the pitfalls
Published 1 February 2019
THE current Pension Loans Scheme provides a fortnightly top-up of retirement income for people of pension age who miss out on the pension because either their income or their assets (but not both!) are too high. It is also for part-rate pensioners. [more]
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