THE VOICE Articles and Media Releases - Page 9

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How the home care waiting list will disappear on 1 July 2024

Published 21 April 2023

HCPP has a waiting list, the CHSP doesn't, but merging the two will not mean there will be a combined waiting list.

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The pre-Budget 2023 media circus begins

Published 21 April 2023

Deeming rates, super, cost-of-living and more: what can older Australians expect from the federal Budget on 9 May?

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Online bank runs make mockery of $250,000 deposit guarantee

Published 19 April 2023

The digital world brings us digital bank runs, fast and furious, and requiring more than a $250,000 deposit guarantee.

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800,000 people to pay a lot more for home care from 1 July 2024

Published 17 April 2023

From 1 July 2024, the new home care scheme will dramatically increase personal contributions for 800,000 people on cheaper home care now.

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What about your poor clients from 1 July 2024?!

Published 14 April 2023

Lost in the confusion about the new IHAC program seems to be that your CHSP clients will see their personal contributions skyrocket in 2024.

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Here’s a pension assets test nasty for the May budget

Published 14 April 2023

Once again a think tank has had the bright idea to wipe the budget deficit by including the family home in the assets test. Here's why it will again fail.

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Would you sell to sign a forever-lease on a built-to-rent home?

Published 12 April 2023

The only way to free up home equity is to take out a reverse mortgage. Built-to-rent housing might offer an alternative solution.

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The lessons from the Whitehorse and Ballarat CHSP pull-outs

Published 11 April 2023

Several local council CHSP providers have pulled out of CHSP, pointing to the risk associated with activity-based funding from 1 July 2024.

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Ever wanted to complain about digital platforms?

Published 5 April 2023

The Telecom Industry Ombudsman (TIO) currently takes on complaints about phone and internet services only. It wants digital platforms as well.

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Is access to cash and cheques about to be finished?

Published 3 April 2023

Digital payments are now common. The RBA is helping banks to get rid of cheques. Access to cash is getting more difficult as ATMs disappear.

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Why we think block-funding will continue for certain providers from 1 July 2024

Published 31 March 2023

CPSA would like to explain why it thinks that certain types of providers will continue to be block-funded after 1 July 2024.

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Flu-complacency at dangerous levels in Australia

Published 31 March 2023

The Australian Attitudes to Influenza Index suggests that Australians are underestimating the seriousness of flu: half of people surveyed.

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The face of poverty in Australia

Published 28 March 2023

According to new research, people who receive income support payments and renters are much more likely to be living below the poverty line.

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Will your CHSP provider still be there come July next year?

Published 28 March 2023

Trying to adapt to the new IHAC program could prove difficult for many CHSP providers. Being cherry-picked for a merger with a HCP provider may be the best way to stay afloat.

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NSW Labor returns to Government on cost-of-living ticket

Published 27 March 2023

ON Saturday 25 May, the NSW Labor Party won the state election to form a government. The NSW Government regulates only a few things that exclusively affect older people. Transport and other concessions are a good example. But there are other things which affect people regardless of age, such as access to hospitals. [more]

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How to make the most of your hard-earned savings

Published 23 March 2023

With banks much quicker to pass interest rate rises on to borrowers than savers, what's the best way to give you bang for your buck?

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Lived experience of the cruel NDIS 65 age limit

Published 22 March 2023

A reader living with hydrocephalus wrote to CPSA about the cruel consequences of the NDIS ban of people over 65. Once you reach 65, you can stay on the NDIS if you have it. If you don’t have it, it’s too late.

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Community notice board: elder abuse survey, advance care planning week

Published 22 March 2023

Community news: elder abuse survey, advance care planning week

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How home aged care providers compete for your business

Published 20 March 2023

Competition in home aged care is not a pretty notion. You're somebody's profit centre. Competition is already happening but it will soon hot up.

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Competition not funding main worry in new home aged care

Published 17 March 2023

CHSP providers appear pre-occupied with how their funding will work from 1 July 2024. They may have a bigger problem though: competition.

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