THE VOICE Articles and Media Releases - Page 6

Keeping you up to date with pensioner and superannuant news

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Is home insurance about to become a luxury?

Published 30 August 2023

Home insurance is an essential thing to have, but what if it becomes so expensive many have to go without? One in eight, a new report says.

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NSW news: Bushfire Brigade gets ready for work

Published 30 August 2023

The bushfire season starts at different times in different places. Fire danger signs are going digital. Time for us all to get ready.

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Would you be willing to pay aged care insurance?

Published 28 August 2023

More and better aged care is going to cost more. A lot more. A Taskforce is looking at where the money will come from. Tax levies? Insurance?

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Hearing check could reduce your dementia risk by half

Published 25 August 2023

Research shows that dementia risk increases for some people with hearing loss. Getting checked is simple, perhaps it's time to ask your GP?

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How to cancel utility accounts for a deceased person

Published 23 August 2023

Privacy laws can make it difficult to cancel utility accounts for people who have died. Upsetting, especially if it's somebody close to you.

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Battery fires are on the rise in NSW

Published 21 August 2023

Electric bikes, scooters and discarded batteries have a nasty way of bursting into flames. NSW is campaigning against battery fires.

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GP payroll tax: guess who’s paying?

Published 21 August 2023

GPs running their own practice don't pay it, but medical centres employing GPs as contractors must now pay it: the GP payroll tax.

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Utility costs in embedded networks under review

Published 18 August 2023

NSW News: The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) is looking at the cost of utilities like power, gas and water for customers in embedded networks. This is where utilities are sold by a third party – such as in residential land lease communities - as well as some retirement villages and apartment complexes. [more]

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Here’s how to save on prescriptions from 1 September

Published 14 August 2023

Pharmacists are screaming blue murder but it's about time they were stopped whacking patients with unnecessary personal contributions.

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Allergic to antibiotics or fibbing?

Published 11 August 2023

Most people who think they're allergic to first-line antibiotics are not. The consequences can be serious.

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What would you rather, 4c/ltr off fuel or a $250 seniors regional travel card?

Published 9 August 2023

Stories about a 4c a litre fuel discount replacing the regional seniors travel card are just that for the moment: stories.

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Bush mobile coverage dealt blow by consumer protection

Published 7 August 2023

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has blocked a deal between Telstra and TPG that would have meant more mobile coverage for people living in regional areas.

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Pension to rise by 3.25% in September 2023

Published 4 August 2023

The Pensioner and Beneficiary Living Cost Index (PBLCI) reflects prices for things older people typically spend their money on. It is sitting at 3.25%, which means that the basic pension will go up by this amount in September.

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Online scams and how to avoid them

Published 2 August 2023

Here are some common online scams and how to avoid them, as well as where to go for help and more information.

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Supermarket tricks: spot marketing traps and save

Published 31 July 2023

Supermarkets have a range of traps designed to get customers to spend more. With the rising cost of living many of us as looking for ways to save on the basics. 

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Pension to go up by at least 2.2% in September 2023

Published 28 July 2023

The June 2023 Consumer Price Index (CPI) suggests that the pension will go up by 2.2 per cent on 20 September this year.

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Double minimum withdrawal rates, says super industry

Published 26 July 2023

If you have a superannuation pension, every year you have to take out a minimum. It's hated by retirees. Now there are voices calling for doubling the minimum withdrawal rates.

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Games, puzzles, social outings and dementia: what does research say?

Published 24 July 2023

Research shows that some activities, including games like chess or Yahtzee, are associated with a lower risk of developing age-related dementia.

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Energy bill relief for embedded network users

Published 21 July 2023

Land lease communities and other embedded network consumers often face challenges in accessing rebates, here's what you might need to know to save money on your power bill this year.

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Have super, am retired, now what?

Published 19 July 2023

It's taken super funds and APRA seven long years to not deliver help for retired people and show them how to get the most out of their savings.

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