The great Narromine toilet roll heist

Article published 25 May 2020

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NARROMINE is a small town of 3,500 people and whilst NSW Minister for Seniors Geoff Lee’s comments are very useful in cities, out here there is still the opportunity to walk safely and shop safely because it is small.

We still shop but we shop early, before the normal hours. It was amazing to watch The Great Toilet Roll Heist. People we had never seen before came here buying toilet paper. But that has settled down now.

We have a son in Dubbo and he keeps in touch.

There are four coronavirus cases in town and hopefully those people are self-isolating. It is sad to read of people who won’t do that and who go to work sick.

Less traffic is a bonus even out here and some people wish it would stay that way. We don’t miss the planes either, including the high fliers to Europe. We believe our atmosphere is better due to car and plane traffic reductions.

We will get through it as they did in the war. Our neighbour in her late 80s still goes out to the farm.

Television is terrible. I do think the programs cause dementia!

Anyone who doesn’t know the word ‘corona’ or ‘COVID-19’ must be living on an island.

We are lucky to have Coles here.

Bob Meadly

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