Lack of Public Trust in Aged Care

Article published 22 November 2018

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THERE is a crisis of public confidence in aged care, and for a good reason.

The Inside Aged Care report presented at a major aged care provider conference recently reveals that only 18 per cent of Australians trust the aged care industry and only 13 per cent think it is open and transparent.

Trust in the industry is low, not because things look bad, but because they are bad.

The Inside Aged Care report was released just a week after the Australian Government published its report on the Inquiry into the Quality of Care in Residential Aged Care Facilities in Australia.

The Inquiry reported that there are “major deficiencies within the aged care sector” and that “this is simply not acceptable in a nation like Australia”.

On the bright side, the Inside Aged Care report indicates that the industry is realising it has a public trust problem.

Now the industry has to realise that it is its abysmal performance which is the cause of it.

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