Labor to Reinstate Energy Supplement if Scrapped

Article published 29 August 2018

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Federal Labor has made a pre-election promise to reinstate the Energy Supplement if the Australian Parliament votes to scrap it.

The legislation to implement this cut is still before Parliament and would cut the Energy Supplement for anyone who has become a new pension or allowance recipient since 20 September 2016.

Labor claims that if the Energy Supplement is cut, it will hit 1.5 million Age Pensioners over the decade to 2028-29.

Axing the Energy Supplement would mean a cut of $14.10 per fortnight to single pensioners, or around $365 a year, and a cut of $21.20 a fortnight, or around $550 a year, to couple pensioners. All other recipients of Centrelink income support would be similarly affected.

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