THE Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) recommends an additional COVID-19 booster shot before winter.
Winter is when people spend more time indoors. It’s when viral infections such as the common cold and the flu usually increase. It’s no different for COVID-19.
It will be the fourth recommended COVID-19 shot and the second booster shot.
The second booster is for people who have had their initial double shots plus the first booster. It’s for people at greatest risk of severe illness from COVID-19.
ATAGI recommends that all people 65-and-over should get the fourth shot, as well as residents of aged care and disability care facilities, people over 16 who are severely immunocompromised and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 50-and-older.
The additional winter booster dose can be given from 4 months or longer after the person has received their first booster dose.
These boosters are available now.
Don’t delay if you fall within one of the groups listed above.
ATAGI says flu shots can be given at the same time, so this is an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.
As always, people 65-and-over get an age-specific, enhanced influenza vaccine.
The importance of continued protection against COVID-19 requires no explanation.
According to the Australian Medical Association, flu shots are also particularly important this year. With the easing of international and domestic public health measures arising from the COVID-19 global pandemic, a resurgence of influenza is expected in 2022.
The flu can be a killer, just like COVID-19, so get your shots! Don’t delay.
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